NEWS RELEASE January 23, 2025 Media Contact: Marc Siegel
Oregon Department of Education Releases FFY 2022 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report
Oregon’s early childhood preschools are providing more special education services in general education settings.
(Salem, OR) — The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) released its Federal Fiscal Year 2022 State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), detailing efforts to serve students experiencing disability.
This comprehensive report outlines the State’s efforts to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). ODE is committed to ensuring that all students, including those with disabilities, have equitable access to education as guaranteed by both state and federal law.
The report highlights progress Oregon has made in supporting district implementation of special education programs, providing more inclusive environments for preschoolers, and increased student proficiency on summative math tests. It also notes areas where further improvement remains needed, such as assessment participation and performance.
To maintain progress serving students experiencing disability, ODE has identified the following key areas for continued action:
Targeted technical assistance and professional development: ODE partners with each education service district to provide local support to district special education leaders and staff in areas of focus.
Partnership with university researchers: ODE partners with researchers to identify best practices for student engagement in post school outcomes, such as competitive employment and post-secondary education.
Access to data and resources: ODE makes year over year target reports available to all of Oregon’s districts to help educators identify where areas of strength exist, as well as where there are growth opportunities. Target reports allow for a discrete look at how well students have mastered a related group of standards, giving a look “under the hood” to see what skills and knowledge are contributing to overall ELA scores.
For more information or to access the full FFY 2022 State Performance Plan/Annual Report, please visit the SPP/APR web page.