NEWS RELEASE January 7, 2025 Media Contact: Marc Siegel
More Schools, Community Organizations Sought for Summer Food Service Program
Grant funds of up to $20,000 are available to startup or expand summer meal programs serving children and teens. Eligibility assessments are due by March 1, 2025.
(Salem, OR) – The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is seeking more schools, community organizations and tribes to participate in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) this summer to help ensure that children and teens receive the nutritious meals they need during the summer months. As an incentive, state grant funds are available up to $20,000 per sponsor to startup or expand summer meal programs.
SFSP works to ensure children 18 and younger, who benefit from meal programs during the school year, continue to have that same access to nutritious meals when schools are closed, or students are unable to attend school in person.
“During the summer months, when school is not in session, children often lose vital access to school nutrition programs. Summer meal sites ensure that children continue to receive the nutrition they need to learn and grow,” ODE Summer Food Service Program Outreach Coordinator Cathy Brock said. “Expanding access to the program is an important step to close the hunger gap in all areas of the state. ODE’s Child Nutrition Program is reaching out to ensure that children continue to receive meals throughout the summer.”
Schools, non-profit community organizations, local government agencies, camps and faith- based organizations that have the ability to manage a food service program may be SFSP sponsors.
Sponsoring organizations must enter into an agreement with ODE to operate the USDA Summer Food Service Program and are then reimbursed for serving healthy meals and snacks to children at approved sites. Sponsors may be approved to oversee and/or operate multiple sites.
Sites are places in the community where children receive meals in a safe and supervised environment. Sites may be located in a variety of settings, including schools, parks, community centers, health clinics, hospitals, libraries, migrant centers, apartment complexes and faith-based locations.
Apply to Sponsor a Summer Meal Program and Apply for Outreach Funds
ODE has state grant funds available up to $20,000 to startup or expand summer meal programs. Eligible grant activities include the purchase of food service equipment, supplies for enrichment activities, and staff time to support and operate summer meal programs.
For questions about grant funds and more information about how your organization can become a Summer Food Service Program sponsor, please contact ODE’s Community Nutrition Team. The deadline to submit an eligibility assessment to become a Summer Food Service Sponsor is March 1, 2025.
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