The 2024-25 school year is upon us! All of us at the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) hope you have had a restful and rejuvenating summer filled with great memories, friends, and family. As educators and students re-enter the classrooms, they are also navigating small and large challenges and uncertainties from international conflicts to local wildfires. Within education, themes of reduced enrollment, chronic absenteeism, mental and emotional health needs, school funding, and flat graduation rates are deeply felt. Dr. Charlene Williams, Director of ODE, named many of these challenges in her "State of Education” session at the Oregon Educators Summit earlier this month at Oregon State University in Corvallis. She called on us to partner with her to create “love and joy for education – that's what our students really need.” Partners in Oregon’s math education community are key to creating experiences filled with love and joy for students across the state. As districts continue to implement the 2021 Oregon K-12 Math Standards, adopt new instructional materials, and participate in networks and innovations funded through ESSER III more students experience the joy of math while gaining knowledge and skills to more fully participate in the world around them. In addition to shaping narratives of love and joy, Dr. Williams drew attention to three focal areas for the year ahead: Academic Excellence, Belonging and Wellness, and Reimagining Accountability. As you enter this new year, we invite you to grow deep roots in each of these spaces – How will you help students reach new academic heights? How will you cultivate a sense of belonging for students and take care of your own well-being? How will you and your students hold each other mutually accountable for a thriving classroom or school community? We are excited for a wonderful year ahead and look forward to sharing stories of love and joy.
Updates to Math Standards Page
The Oregon Department of Education math pages have been refreshed with the latest events and essential documentation. Dive into our updated resources and discover new links to help you navigate the academic year ahead.
2024-25 OCTM/ODE Math Webinar Series: Updated links for session topics and new links will be added as speakers & topics are identified.
2024-25 Oregon Math Leader Network: Updated registration links for 2024-25 OML which will occur on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30 AM.
ODE Math Standards Page
Updated standards and guidance documents (version 5.2.10) have been aligned to the latest version, correcting identified errors and typos.
Grade-level guidance documents for Grades 3-8 now include links to Achievement Level Descriptors (ALDs) in the Smarter Balanced Content Explorer.
COMING SOON! OSAS Math Test Blueprint Updates for 2024-25
ODE will publish revised summative test blueprints for 2024-25 for grades 3 – 8 and 11 along with answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) by September 20, 2024. The revised blueprints continue to align the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) with the 2021 Oregon K-12 Math Standards in that they are organized by domain and target, maintain a focus on priority targets, and include new Data Reasoning targets at all grade levels. The overall test length is not changing, and we estimate overall testing times to be similar to those in Spring 2024. Questions related to the OSAS Math Test blueprints can be directed to Andy Byerley, ODE Math Assessment Specialist.
Oregon Open Learning Featured Resource: HS CORE 2 GEOMETRY
The Oregon Open Learning Hub is a digital resource repository and collaboration space for educators, administrators, and other educational partners to curate, create, and remix open educational resources (OER). The Hub is a portal to over 50,000 openly licensed resources available on OER Commons, searchable by grade level, subject, and standard.
Check out this featured resource for an example of the content included on the Hub, and check out additional courses created by Mathway grants on the Oregon Math Project homepage.
Core 2 Geometry: This ½ credit Geometry class is part of Oregon’s “core 2” math sequence for grades 9 and 10, alongside 1 credit of Algebra and ½ credit of Data Reasoning. It emphasizes belonging and engagement in diverse, detracked classrooms, with unit options tailored to different teaching contexts.
K-5 Quarterly Newsletter
ODE’s Office of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment now publishes a quarterly newsletter for K-5 educators. This newsletter provides resources, opportunities, guidance, and ODE updates tailored specifically to support the integrated and well-rounded instruction that elementary education entails. It aims to streamline information related to K-5 academic standards and instruction into one convenient communication. Sign up for the newsletter today!
Financial Literacy Skills for the 21st Century: Results from PISA 2022
National Center of Education Statistics (NCES), and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) for a webinar on Wednesday, September 25th to discuss the latest Financial Literacy results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), an international assessment of 15-year-olds. The webinar will include results from the recent 2022 release and comments on the implications for policy around youth financial education mandates and opportunities that exist to bring equity in youth financial education.
When: Sep 25, 2024 08:00 AM Pacific Time
Join the Oregon Math Leaders Network
The Oregon Math Leaders Network is a community of math practitioners who work together to implement and support math teaching and learning in Oregon. Participants include teacher leaders, TOSAs, program administrators, college faculty, and math community partners. If you identify as a math leader, you are invited!
The 2024-25 virtual meetings will continue to take place on the third Thursday of each month at 8:30 AM on Zoom. Register now for the 2024 Virtual OML Network Meetings.
OCTM/ODE Afternoon Learning Sessions
In addition to the monthly Oregon math leaders network meetings occurring in the morning, the Oregon Council of Teachers of Math (OCTM) will be partnering with ODE to offer afternoon learning sessions for teachers. Each month will feature a different topic and speaker that will be available for all teachers.
Each session will occur on the third Thursday of the month at 4:00 PM PT unless noted otherwise. Save the dates below and look for registration links on the ODE Math Homepage as speakers and topics are identified throughout the year. Registration links for the first two sessions are provided below, and we’ll see you there.
Topic: Strengthening Mathematical Communities
Save the date: Session 2 October 17, 2024 @ 4:00 PM PT
Topic: Using Structured Language Routines to Build Community & Scaffold Discourse
Apply Now for Smarter Balanced Item Review
Did you know that over 5,000 educators have contributed to the Smarter Balanced system since its inception? Teams of educators create and review test items, author instructional resources, score Performance Tasks, and more. Applications are now open for Educator Committee Review (ECR) for Math (October 14 – 18, 2024) and English Language Arts (November 12 – 14, 2024). Educators who participate in ECR review test items for cultural responsiveness, fairness, alignment with standards, and more. Item review events are fully virtual and synchronous, and provide an excellent professional learning opportunity about Oregon’s statewide assessments. For more information, please contact Andy Byerley, Math Assessment Specialist.
The Math Coaching and Leadership Network (MCLN)
The Math Coaching and Leadership Network (MCLN) is a free regional network for K-16 math educators and leaders, focusing on equitable math education and fostering collaboration and innovation. For the 2024-25 school year, MCLN will host monthly Zoom meetings on the second Thursday from October to May (excluding December), featuring a book study and peer-to-peer support sessions. These meetings are recommended for math specialists, TOSAs, and math-focused administrators. Learn more about the work MCLN provides through newsletters and local math opportunities.
HS Math Pathways Planning Sessions
Through the work of the Oregon Math Project (OMP) Mathway Grants, ODE has released guidance to aid districts and high schools in implementing high school math pathways (link to the executive summary).
Lane and Multnomah ESD math specialists will conduct statewide virtual sessions to explain the 2+1 model for high school math pathways, facilitate job-alike discussions, and help school teams design or refine their implementation plans. Each session will conclude with a Q&A segment hosted by ODE math specialists. Schools are encouraged to form teams (including admin, math teachers, and counselors), select a session date and time, and register by 4pm on Thursday, September 19. Sessions will proceed if at least two schools register, with additional dates available if needed.
NASA TechRise Student Challenge
The NASA TechRise Student Challenge is an exciting opportunity for students in grades six through 12 to engage in scientific exploration by designing, building, and launching experiments on NASA-supported high-altitude balloon flights. This challenge, open to teams affiliated with U.S. public, private, and charter schools, encourages students to test their experiments with exposure to Earth’s atmosphere and views of our planet. Sixty winning teams will be selected to receive $1,500 to construct their experiment, along with technical support from Future Engineers, and a reserved spot for their experiment on a balloon flight. No prior experience is necessary to participate.
The contest opens in August 2024, with entries due by November 2024, and winners beginning their build in January 2025. The experiments are expected to launch between June and July 2025. Educators and students can register to stay informed about the challenge and upcoming free workshop opportunities. For more information and to register, visit NASA TechRise Student Challenge.
Stay Connected!
If you have an opportunity or announcement to share statewide, please contact the ODE Math Team.
The materials contained in the Department of Education’s Oregon Math Educator Update are drawn from both internal and external sources and inclusion of external materials does not necessarily indicate Oregon Department of Education endorsement.