ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter
August 19, 2024
Dear Colleagues,
School classrooms and hallways will soon come alive with student voices and laughter. Whether students were engaged in summer programs, camps, or work, they were undoubtedly learning and connecting with one another. Many of them formed new friendships, deepened old relationships, and discovered new parts of themselves. Some, it will seem, will have even grown a few inches! All of the experiences that students bring to schools and classrooms are opportunities to apply instruction on healthy relationships, growth and development, and diverse identities.
Educators can leverage the excitement and emotions of this time by designing instruction that brings student voice into the center of their learning. Important welcoming practices in the sexuality education classroom include: co-creating community agreements that prepare students for discourse, keeping students of all genders together for learning, and introducing an anonymous question box to keep instruction responsive to student realities.
It’s also a critical time to provide clear messaging around inclusivity and belonging. As students return to classrooms, they sense where they feel safe and included. This is a time for building and establishing meaningful practices of inclusion. Integrating the Transformative Social Emotional Standards with the 2023 Health and Sexuality Education Standards supports this shared purpose.
This month’s newsletter includes several ODE statewide updates and many resources for providing health and sexuality education in local classrooms.
Header photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash, Newberg, OR
Section photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash
ODE Updates & Opportunities
Just Released: 2023 Health Education Standards K-12 Learning Progressions
The Oregon Department of Education created a new K-12 Learning Progressions document to demonstrate how Health Education subtopics vertically align to ensure that students gain age-appropriate knowledge and skills over the years. This document intends to support school leaders, educators, parents, and caregivers to follow the skills and concepts that students should be learning from one grade level to the next. Health Education, when consistently taught and scaffolded across the grades, works to foster student healthy behaviors, empowered decision-making and an understanding of their role in promoting individual and community safety and well-being.
For more information please see the Sexuality Education and the Health Education websites.
Interest Survey: Oregon Teacher Training Institute (OTTI) Sex Ed Professional Learning Opportunity
OTTI offers a full-day, in-person K-12 professional learning for educators and administrators to deliver comprehensive sexuality education as part of health instruction, focusing on healthy relationships, social emotional learning, child abuse prevention education, and healthy sexuality throughout the lifespan.
The course introduces participants to core knowledge and skills required for teaching sexuality education, including how to answer difficult questions, how to use curriculum, and how to create inclusive learning environments for all students. OTTI workshops are delivered in partnership with Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Health Authority, and other local partners.
Interested in having an OTTI Sex Ed Training in your area?
Save the Date: 2024 Student Success Plan (SSP) Summit
The first-ever 2024 Student Success Plan (SSP) Summit is scheduled for October 7th, 2024, at the Salem Convention Center from 8 AM to 4 PM. This event is FREE and will include insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative sessions aimed at highlighting efforts aligned and funded through Oregon’s Student Success Plans to enhance student success across our community.
This landmark event is open, free of charge, to our community partners, non-profits, district and school affiliates, Student Success grantees, Student Success advisory group members, students, and families.
Call for Proposals
Individuals interested in presenting or volunteering are invited to submit a proposal. For more information and to submit your proposal, please fill out our Call for Proposals form by September 6th, 2024 5:00pm.
Sex Ed News & Resources for Educators
ODE is committed to supporting school districts with implementing Oregon Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050). Please see below for related news and resources for K-12 educators.
Research & News for Educators
Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBS) Data Summary & Trends Report, CDC, August 2023
Can Using Anatomically Correct Terminology For Genitalia Enhance a Child's Body Image?, Parents, July 2024
Gaps in LGBTQ+ Sex Education Could Force Youth to See Dangerous Advice Elsewhere, Teen Vogue, June 2024
Teens say they learn more in school about frogs’ bodies than their own, The 19th, June 2024
Grants in Action: Building Community between LGBTQ+ Youth during COVID-19, Centers for Disease Control, June 2024
On Dobbs anniversary, abortion remains legal and protected in Oregon, Oregon Health Authority, June 2024
How Well Do You REALLY Understand Human Reproduction?, Healthy Teen Network, June 2024
Oregon youth suicide data shows action needed to close equity gaps, Oregon Health Authority, July 2024
Resources for Educators
Upcoming Events, Training & Conference Opportunities for Educators
Unless hosted or facilitated by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), these training opportunities have not been endorsed by ODE, but are being shared as relevant opportunities for education professionals to consider.
September 25, Sex Ed Con, a virtual conference by AMAZE
Questions? Connections?
Please reach out to us at ode.sexed@ode.oregon.gov.
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