Oregon Achieves... Together! A Message from the Director of the Oregon Department of Education, Dr. Charlene Williams
Dear Education Community,
We know that children are far better learners when they are properly fueled up. For tens of thousands of Oregon children, schools provide a vital source of nutrition. The fruits, vegetables and grains in their breakfast and lunch help them grow strong bodies and minds, and contribute directly to their ability to read, calculate, build healthy relationships, problem solve and learn.
But during the summer months, when schools are out, that resource goes missing for many. Which is why sites like the Salem Boys and Girls Club, that provides meals and activities for families during the summer, are so important.
Last month I had the honor of participating in a kickoff for the Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) program alongside Oregon Department of Human Services Director Fariborz Pakseresht and U.S.D.A. Western Regional Administrator Jesus Mendoza. The Epping Homestead Branch of the Boys and Girls Club of Salem, Marion and Polk Counties, which offers a Summer Meals program, hosted this inspiring event.
Summer EBT is an all hands on deck moment to ensure Oregon kids are provided the food and nutrition support they need to thrive in the summertime and beyond.
(Submitted by the Oregon Health Authority’s Public Health Division)
August is National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM). This annual observance highlights the efforts of health care professionals to protect patients of all ages and communities against vaccine-preventable diseases.
Vaccines save lives. Vaccines are safe and effective for preventing potentially life-threatening diseases in children and adults. NIAM serves as an important reminder to stay current on routine health care visits and recommended vaccinations. It also reminds us that there are many social, geographic, political, economic, and environmental factors that create challenges to vaccination access and acceptance. These are challenges that public health works to overcome. If you have questions, talk to a health care professional you trust about vaccines.
In Oregon and around the world, vaccine-preventable diseases are still a threat, from polio to measles to whooping cough. Without high immunization levels, communities are at risk for vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks. Our state, like many others, is experiencing outbreaks of measles and whooping cough and a decline in some routine vaccinations.
More about immunizations...
Congratulations to Todos Juntos for being named one of 13 inaugural champions of the Engage Every Student Recognition Program by the U.S Department of Education!
Based in Canby, Todos Juntos received the recognition for its use of American Recovery Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to expand access to afterschool and summer learning for youth.
Todos Juntos leveraged $120,000 in ESSER funding in partnership with the Canby, Estacada, Molalla, Sandy and Clackamas School Districts to provide afterschool and summer learning programming to more than 1,000 elementary and middle school students. In addition to engaging students in tutoring services to boost their learning outcomes and self-confidence, Todos Juntos offers enriching afterschool clubs and provides a safe and stimulating environment for children to explore various interests such as arts, sports and STEM activities, fostering creativity, teamwork and personal growth.
Kickstart your school year with a virtual three-day Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) intensive, August 13-15! Facilitators will be available to consult with teams on their EIIS goals and strategies for the upcoming school year.
2024-25 School Year Opportunities
Three Learning Series will be offered beginning in September: EIIS: Foundations for Student Success, EIIS at Middle and High School and the EIIS Community of Practice. Please view the Learning Series flyer for more information about the learning series offered, schedule and registration.