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OSCIM Program Continues to Help Districts with Construction Projects
Last month, six school districts around the state passed bond measures that got a boost from the Oregon School Capital Improvement Matching (OSCIM) Program. Commitments are made to districts ahead of the election so districts can inform their communities of the potential for additional funds from the state if the local bond passes. Before submitting an application for the OSCIM Program, districts must also submit a Facilities Assessment and Long-Range Facility Plan. Districts are awarded grants based on their position on the Priority List or First in Time List.
More about the OSCIM Program...
OHA supporting LGBTQIA2S+ youth with list of summer resources
(From an Oregon Health Authority press release.)
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is reaffirming its commitment to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, questioning and (+) (LGBTQIA2S+) youth by sharing resources to promote their well-being, safety, security and inclusion.
“It’s so important that youth have access to the supports from families and community organizations that celebrate the rich diversity of their identities,” said Dean Sidelinger, M.D., M.S.Ed., health officer and state epidemiologist at OHA.
More about the resources...
ODE In the News
The Oregon Capital Chronicle highlighted how the Early Literacy Success Initiative is serving students around the state.
The Woodburn Independent went to St. Paul Elementary School to see an example of the Tribal History/Shared History curriculum in action.
Several news outlets reported on The Oregon Plan, which offers high school students paid opportunities to learn professional technical training while earning high school credit.
Student Spotlight
The Portland Tribune spoke with a Lincoln High School student whose artwork spotlighting an unsung hero won her a cash award.
KMTR in Eugene spotlighted Team Oregon Build, a program that trains students to build transitional housing, storage sheds and other structures to help those experiencing houselessness get back on their feet.
The Malheur Enterprise featured students in Nyssa raising awareness about the need for blood donors for their community.
The Oregonian spoke with the newest Presidential Scholars from Oregon.