Keeping it Moving!
There is so much work happening across the State running alongside important graduation celebrations, big community milestones, and the important work you do everyday. Thank you!
In this month’s message, you’ll find information about:
- Integrated Programs Spend and Claim by Dates
- SIA Performance Review
- EIIS Learning Series registration open for the Summer Session and 24-25 school year
Integrated Programs Spend and Claim by Dates
To support successful program implementation and financial stewardship, programmatic spend by and claim by dates for all programs reflecting the summer extension updates are listed below. Please note, 100% of SIA and Early Literacy funds must be drawn down by 6/30/24.
2023-24 Student Investment Account (SIA)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 9/30/24
Spend by: 9/30/24
Claim by: 6/30/24 (Due to SIA being a disbursement grant, 100% Funds must be claimed by this date to spend through 9/30/24)
2023-24 Early Literacy Success School District Grants (ELSSDG)
Spending Period: 10/1/23 to 6/30/25
Spend by: 6/30/25
Claim by: 6/30/24 (Due to ELSSDG being a disbursement grant, 100% Funds must be claimed by this date to spent through 6/30/25)
2023-24 Early Indicator and Intervention System (EIIS)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/24
Spend by: 6/30/24
Claim by: 8/14/24
2023-24 High School Success (HSS)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 6/30/25*
Spend by: 6/30/25
Claim by: 8/14/25
*Reminder, to support the HSS annual report requirements in statute, August 15, 2024 will be HSS Year 1 EGMS Claim cutoff date. For HSS Year 1 Reporting purposes the reporting amount should match EGMS claims submitted between 7/1/23 and 8/15/24. You will still have access to Year 1 funds through June 30, 2025. All funds claimed after 8/16/24 will be reported in Year 2.
Federal School Improvement (2022-23 Identification for CSI/TSI, Funding in 2023-24)
Spending Period: 7/1/23 to 9/30/24
Spend by: 9/30/24
Claim by: 11/15/24
SIA Performance Review
In Fall 2024, SIA grantees will conduct an SIA Performance Review for the performance period of 2020-2023. The performance review will involve grantees reviewing their prior Annual Report responses and SIA Plan strategies. Grantees will then respond to three new questions, found in the Performance Review Template, about how their SIA investments served the two purposes of the Student Investment Account. More details can be found in the SIA Performance Review Guidelines. Grant recipients will receive an email in August from their Regional Support team about how to complete the SIA Performance Review, which is due October 31, 2024.
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems Professional Learning Opportunities
Virtual Summer Session
Kickstart your school year with a virtual three-day Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS) intensive, August 13-15! Facilitators will be available to consult with teams on their EIIS goals and strategies for the upcoming school year.
24-25 School Year Opportunities
Three Learning Series will be offered beginning in September: EIIS: Foundations for Student Success, EIIS at Middle and High School and the EIIS Community of Practice. Please view the flyer for more information about the learning series, schedule and registration link.
Key Dates
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
June 30, 2024: 2023-2024 Program of Study (POS) Applications due
June 30, 2024: Review and consolidate District Integrated Perkins Plans due
June 30, 2024: 2023-2025 Perkins Plan, Application, and Budget due
July 1, 2024: 2023-2024-20% of Perkins Grant Funds available in EGMS
CTE Licensure Application Office Hours for Administrators, HR Staff, and CTE coordinators: 2:00 pm every Thursday through June 30, 2024 (Zoom Link)
Thursday, June 7, 2024, 9-12: Coordinator Meeting (virtual-Zoom Link)
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 11-12: Perkins Grant Manager Boot Camp Office hours (Zoom Link)
Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 10-11: Professional Learning: Equity in CTE-for Regional Coordinators and Direct Grant Coordinators (Zoom Link)
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems
EIIS Monthly Office Hours
Join EIIS monthly office hours with staff to discuss your questions about your student success system, share ideas and review resources.
Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)
August 15, 2024: CSI / TSI Progress Updates due
September 30, 2024: CSI / TSI School-level Plans due
Reminder: The Required Monthly Submission and Reporting Calendar lists all required school district submissions for the 2023-24 school year.
Program Specific Updates
Career and Technical Education - Perkins V
Give Your Input on the Modernized National CTE Career Clusters® Framework!
It has been two decades since the National Career Clusters® Framework was established.
After over a year of working with representatives from across the CTE field, including the Advance CTE Board of Directors, a 23-member National Advisory Committee, 13 distinct Industry Advisory Groups, dozens of State CTE Directors, input from over 50 partner organizations, and getting responses from over 2,100 CTE stakeholders to the National Implementation Survey, we will soon unveil the draft modernized Framework for review by the Career Technical Education (CTE) community.
We need your input!
On June 6, 2024, Advance CTE, which has been coordinating the modernization process, will hold a national webinar to provide a first look at the updated Framework. This will be an opportunity for CTE educators, state and local leaders, industry representatives, and allied organizations to learn about what’s new, why changes were made, and how they can provide valuable input through the National Validation Survey open through July. Sign up for the Webinar here.
Federal School Improvement (formerly ESSA Partnerships)
Starting June 1, 2024 schools and districts will find the Integrated Plan Progress Update for CSI/TSI Schools in their RAD. The submission window will close on August 15, 2024. The purpose of this Progress Update is for identified schools to provide insight into the improvement efforts during the 2023-24 school year for currently identified CSI and TSI schools identified or reidentified prior to October 2023. Schools first identified in the fall of 2023 do not complete this Progress Update.
School-level plan submissions are still taking place and will continue to be available until September 30, 2024.
Survey on Reimagining Oregon’s Accountability System - We Need Your Input!
Earlier this month, you may have received an email from Dr. Williams ringing the bell for reimagining Oregon’s accountability system. As part of that work, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is interested in engaging with people across to hear their thoughts regarding Oregon's education system and the role that accountability can play in providing an excellent education to all students. We are reaching out to you to ask you to complete – and share widely among your networks – a survey on these topics to ensure that we have a broad swath of the state represented. You can also reach the survey through the webpage on Reimagining Oregon’s Accountability System on ODE’s website. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, June 7th.
Highlighted Resources for the Month
Join us at COSA Seaside! We look forward to sharing a few sessions
Planning Ahead for Professional Learning: Come and dialogue about ways your district could access and customize new professional learning options available (with no to little cost) matched to your district’s needs for the 24-25 SY and beyond. Hear from Oregon educational leaders who have started utilizing these resources in unique ways to offer professional development on their own, in their own districts and schools. Leave with ideas and resources that you can access at your convenience.
District Equity Committees: Celebrations from Implementation, Moving the Work Forward: Join the Oregon Department of Education in uplifting the work of partners in the field that have kicked off the implementation of their District Equity Committee. This session will share the lessons learned, along with the strategies and tools developed, to adapt existing bodies of work to create District Equity Committees. Join us in celebrating the stories of students, families, and community members advocating and advising on matters of equity in their district.
New EII Professional Learning Webpage Launched
The ODE Office of Education Innovation and Improvement (EII) Technical Assistance, Professional Learning and Coaching webpage has recently been updated to showcase Professional Learning that supports the Integrated Programs in a more streamlined and sortable way! We encourage you to explore upcoming Professional Learning and coaching opportunities available to districts at no cost, as well as a robust collection of recordings to support districts with many components of the Integrated Plan.
LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group is seeking applicants
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is currently seeking applicants for its LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Advisory Group. This group advises ODE on education matters affecting LGBTQ2SIA+ students and families, and its purpose is to address systemic inequities experienced by LGBTQ2SIA+ students through focused investments and community partnerships that align with the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan. Apply now through Friday June 14, 2024 at 5:00pm or learn more by visiting
Contact Us
Find all previous Aligned Messages here.
If you have any questions, please contact OEII at