NTC Professional Learning Series Opportunity
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is excited to announce a professional learning series developed in partnership by the New Teacher Center (NTC) and Smarter Balanced. This collaborative initiative is designed to help district teams create a system of interim and formative assessment practices customized to their local needs. Smarter Balanced resources, including Tools for Teachers and the Interim Assessment Blocks within the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS), will be utilized as connections are made between instruction and assessment.
Each team will consist of two teacher cohorts from grades 3-8 (one ELA and one Math) and work directly with NTC throughout the 2024-25 school year. More information, including FAQ and registration details, can be found in the recruitment flier. Registration remains open through April 5, 2024.
Survey to Inform the Oregon Multilingual Learner State Strategic Plan
This is an exciting year as ODE develops the new Multilingual Learner State Strategic Plan! The plan's development includes input from various constituents through workgroup sessions, community focus groups, conference sessions and surveys.
ODE invites school, district, and Education Service District educators, administrators, and staff to participate in a survey to share feedback on the draft plan and to share about the services provided to multilingual students. Your participation is voluntary, confidential, and will contribute to improving services and experiences for multilingual children. The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete and is best completed on a laptop or desktop computer. Join us in shaping a statewide plan for improving education for multilingual students in Oregon!
ODE’s Office of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment is launching a new quarterly newsletter for K-5 educators. This newsletter will provide resources, opportunities, guidance, and ODE updates tailored specifically to support the integrated and well-rounded instruction that elementary education entails. It aims to streamline information related to K-5 academic standards and instruction into one convenient communication. Sign up for the newsletter today!
On-Demand Course: Effectively Using OSAS Results
As the Oregon Statewide Assessment System (OSAS) summative test window fully opens this spring, ODE has partnered with Southern Oregon ESD to create an on-demand asynchronous professional learning course to help district leaders, school administrators, and teachers use their OSAS results effectively. The course, Effectively Using OSAS Results, consists of five one-hour modules delivered through Canvas.
Participants will gain a greater understanding of the following key concepts:
Understanding OSAS test design is key to understanding how to use OSAS test results.
Student performance across assessment targets, not overall proficiency rates, provides the most helpful data for use in continuous improvement.
Trends in target results can inform curriculum planning, instructional pacing, and professional learning.
Connections can be made between assessment targets and standards that can help educators implement powerful formative assessment practices in the classroom.
The course is available now at no cost to Oregon educators. Details and registration can be found here.
Virtual Conference | The Mathematics of Opportunity: Closing the Divide
The Mathematics of Opportunity: Closing the Divide is a free virtual conference that will be held from April 16-18, 2024. The conference is organized by Just Equations, a non-profit organization that aims to promote equity in mathematics education. The conference will feature three to four hours of programming each day, beginning at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.
The conference will explore the future of equity in mathematics education and showcase the voices of education leaders, policymakers, and equity experts working to elevate math opportunities for the next generation. The keynote speaker for the conference is Maya Wiley, president and CEO of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights and The Leadership Conference Education Fund. Registration is now open.
Secondary Math Teacher PD Opportunity for the M2Studio Pilot Program
Are you a secondary math teacher who wants to teach math modeling with new technologies? If so, you might be interested in joining the M2Studio pilot program, funded by the National Science Foundation. M2Studio is a web-based tool that supports students in modeling open-ended, authentic problems using mathematics. Participants will receive a $1,500 stipend, professional development credits, and an opportunity to collaborate with the research team. Participants will also get to use a technology-enhanced curriculum module designed around M2Studio with students.
More information can be found on this recruitment flier. The deadline has been extended – apply by March 31, 2024.
2024 Oregon Math Leader Conference | Aug 7-9, 2024
Save the date for the 2024 OCTM Oregon Math Leader (OML) conference, which will be held from August 7-9, 2024 in Corvallis, OR. This conference is an opportunity for math educators to come together and share ideas, resources, and best practices. The conference features a variety of sessions, workshops, and keynote speakers, focused on improving math education in Oregon.
If you are interested in presenting at the 2024 OML conference, you can submit a session proposal using the speaker seeker form. This is a great opportunity to share your expertise and contribute to the math education community in Oregon. The ODE Math Team hopes to see you there!
PSU Course: Foundations for Teaching Introductory Probability
Portland State University is offering a new course for pre-service or current secondary teachers or college instructors. This asynchronous online course starts April 1, 2024, and will explore the relationships between planning, implementing, and assessing student learning in introductory probability and statistics courses intended for either dual credit high school or college-level credit. For more information, see this flier or contact PSU’s Rachel Webb.
PSU: Deepening Understanding of Mathematics Teaching, Learning, and Leading Series
Registration is now open* for this winter's course designed for preK-12 teachers and teacher leaders in mathematics: CI 514 Enhancing Algebraic Thinking: Patterns and Functions. See this flier for details on this course (i.e., course reference number, description, location, instructors) and others planned for the 2023-2024 school year.
The class meets on Mondays from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. You can choose your modality for attendance (i.e., face-to-face or online synchronous (Zoom) or a combination of the two). Your instructor will be in touch with details once you enroll.
Join the Oregon Math Leaders Network
The Oregon Math Leaders Network is a community of math practitioners who work together to implement and support math teaching and learning in Oregon. Participants include teacher leaders, TOSAs, program administrators, college faculty, and math community partners. If you identify as a math leader, you are invited!
The 2023-24 virtual meetings will continue to take place on the third Thursday of each month on Zoom. Register now for either the morning sessions (8:30 - 9:30 am PT) or the afternoon sessions (4:00 - 5:00 pm PT).
If you have an opportunity or announcement to share statewide, please contact the ODE Math Team.
The materials contained in the Department of Education’s Oregon Math Educator Update are drawn from both internal and external sources and inclusion of external materials does not necessarily indicate Oregon Department of Education endorsement.