Oregon Achieves... Together! A Message from the Director of the Oregon Department of Education, Dr. Charlene Williams
Dear Education Community,
I’m sure I am not alone in asking myself, “Are we really already in March?”
Let’s spring forward into hope: We just wrapped up the 2024 Legislative short session where we were able to partner with the Governor’s Office and many of our legislative partners for some major wins on behalf of the students in Oregon. We are particularly excited about the passage and funding of Summer Learning and a new Refugee/Immigrant Student Success Plan. We are also pleased to see the release of Early Literacy Success dollars for Community and Tribal Grants, additional funding for fiscal transparency, student safety, social emotional learning, and curricula supplements on opioid-abuse prevention.
This work, along with the work all of you are doing in your communities, makes us “merchants of hope” (a phrase introduced to me by Dr. Crystal Kuykendall.) As educators, we extend hope by creating the conditions for students to thrive academically and in their social-emotional wellness. We prepare them with options for an even better and brighter future. This work is hard, especially when our own well being is challenged, but it is deeply necessary and fundamental to our collective future.
Therefore, let’s start by celebrating the over 900 Teacher of the Year nominees across our state. What a testament to the amazing instruction that is happening for our scholars. Oregon, we have our work cut out for us as we try to narrow this amazing field down to first, one Regional Winner in each of the 19 Education Service Districts, and later this summer, to one educator representing the efforts of so many statewide. Thanks to ODE’s partnership with Oregon Lottery, each regional winner will receive $1,000 and the Oregon Teacher of the Year will not only receive $10,000, but an additional $5,000 will go to their school - all awarded later this fall. Stay tuned, and congratulations again to the nominees!
Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987. The National Women’s History Alliance (NWHA), which led the movement for March being declared National Women’s History Month, has announced the women’s history theme for 2024: Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. During 2024, the Alliance recognizes the example of women committed to embracing everyone and excluding no one in our common quest for freedom and opportunity.
Please explore these Women’s History resources:
Oregon Women's History Celebrations and Events
More Women's History Month resources...
Each March, the National Association of Councils on Developmental Disabilities and our partners work together to create a social media campaign that highlights the many ways in which people with and without disabilities come together to form strong, diverse communities.
The campaign seeks to raise awareness about the inclusion of people with developmental disabilities in all facets of community life, as well as awareness of the barriers that people with disabilities still sometimes face in connecting to the communities in which they live.
This year's theme is "A World of Opportunities." More information about the national campaign is available online, including translated versions of this year's poster.
Disability Is Diversity
Embracing diversity means accepting disability as part of the human condition, a key identity feature that enriches our work spaces, learning spaces and communities. ODE recognizes the impact of ableism and other systems of oppression on students experiencing disabilities. You can learn more about ableism in schools, its impacts, and how to unlearn ableism to cultivate equity and belonging in every school.
Our joint news release with the Bureau of Labor and Industries announcing the newest round of Career and Technical Education (CTE) Revitalization Grants earned attention from news outlets around the state. Here is some of the coverage:
509J receives grant to start health sciences program, The Madras Pioneer
509J will use $250K career readiness grant for new health sciences CTE program, KTVZ
Elgin High School receives $250,000 toward new agricultural learning lab, Elkhorn Media
Four local schools receive $250,000 in technical education funds, Elkhorn Media
Grant School District #3 is $200K closer to their new greenhouse, Elkhorn Media
Grant Secured: Clatskanie MS/HS receives funding, Columbia County Chronicle & Chief
Jefferson County receives $250,000 CTE grant, Central Oregon Daily
Klamath Union HS digital media program receiving $250k grant, KOBI
Klamath Union's digital media program earns hefty grant, Klamath Herald & News
Oregon invests $7.6 million in career readiness grants for 74 schools, KTVL
State grant to help expand construction program at Seaside High School, Daily Astorian
State grants heading to Helix, Condon, Elkhorn Media
Weiser gets $84K grant for career and technical education, Ontario Argus Observer
 Be sure to check out our X page and follow us to stay up-to-date on everything that's happening in education in Oregon!
Summer EBT Is Coming!
ODE and the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) are pleased to share that Oregon has received the first of two approvals needed to launch the new Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) food benefit program for school-age children this year. Summer EBT will provide families with a total of $120 in food benefits, per child, during summer break. It will help address the summer hunger gap when many children lose access to the free and reduced-price meals they had at school.
The Oregon State Legislature approved the joint ODHS/ODE request to offer Summer EBT during the legislative session that concluded earlier this month. Oregon now needs a second approval from the USDA Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) to fully green-light the program launch, tentatively set for June.
More about Summer EBT...
Diploma Seal Reminder
Graduation is just around the corner! Oregon public school students who earn a 3.5 GPA or above are eligible for an honor diploma seal. Schools and or Districts are welcome to request diploma seals via phone call, email or fax to the ODE front desk. Contact information is provided on the request form which can be found under Additional Resources on the Oregon Diploma webpage.
Student Spotlight
The Salem Reporter interviewed two students from the Oregon School for the Deaf who competed in the state finals of the Oregon Poetry Out Loud competition.
KDRV in Medford talked with a Phoenix High School junior who will be representing Oregon in the Rural Education Summit in New Orleans next month.
The East Oregonian profiled a Hermiston High School senior who is running for mayor.