ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter -- December 2023

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ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter: December 2023

Colorful hands

ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter 


December 13, 2023 

Dearest Colleagues, 

December 3rd marked the annual observance of International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). This day, and all year long, is a time to honor every person’s right to exercise choices regarding sexual expression and social relationships. Providing young people with disabilities holistic sexuality education helps students identify their own values and goals, build healthy relationships, understand their rights, and build communication skills. This observance aims to make sexuality education more accessible for all students, no matter what their bodies can or cannot do physically, or what type of support they may need. 

December 1st was the 35th World AIDS Day, commemorated this year by the theme “Remember and Commit”. The CDC’s Dear Colleague letter from a week ago provides a short summary of the progress that communities and public health agencies have made against HIV/AIDS over the past decades. A newly published research brief from the Oregon Health Authority also reminds us that K-12 education continues to play a powerful primary prevention role in preventing HIV and other STIs. Educators in Oregon do this important prevention work as they anchor in the new Health Education Standards and provide instruction on communicable disease prevention; from discussing the importance of handwashing, to learning about the functions of the immune system, to identifying ways of preventing HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections, including barrier methods, PrEP, and PEP. Educators can find lessons available on the Sex Ed Open Learning Project on topics including condoms and STIs and media literacy.


Header photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash, Newberg, OR

ODE Updates & Opportunities

Centering Health in Education: A Webinar Series

ODE & OHA Logos





Please join the Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Health Authority and district partners for a virtual learning series on advancing student health and well-being through innovative partnerships and collaborative funding models.

The purpose of this series is to help schools and districts identify funding streams and community partnerships to develop and sustain health and wellness initiatives that support student physical, mental and behavioral health and overall well-being, leading to academic improvements.

Districts will better understand potential partnership and planning strategies in support of Oregon school district budgeting and alignment for student success. The following districts have graciously agreed to present on their partnerships and strategies: Baker ESD, Bend-LaPine SD, Dufur SD, Lane ESD, High Desert ESD, Umatilla SD, Gorge ESD, and Phoenix-Talent SD. 

Webinars will be Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30pm on 

Jan 10, Jan 17, Feb 7, Feb 14, Feb 21, Feb 28, & Mar 6

Please Register Here for any of the Webinars

Professional Learning: 2024 Oregon Teacher Training Institute (OTTI) Comprehensive Sexuality Education


The Oregon Teacher Training Institute (OTTI) is offering an in-person K-12 professional development course for educators and administrators to deliver comprehensive sexuality education as part of health instruction, focusing on healthy relationships, social emotional learning, child abuse prevention education, and healthy sexuality throughout the lifespan. 

The course will introduce participants to the new Health Education Standards and instructional practices for teaching comprehensive and inclusive K-12 sexuality education. OTTI workshops are delivered in partnership with DHS, OHA, and other local partners. This event is reserved for classroom educators and administrators only.

Register here for the full day in-person professional learning 

January 23, 2024 in Salem, Oregon

Interested in having an OTTI Sex Ed Training in your area? Let OTTI know!

Sex Ed News & Resources for Educators

ODE is committed to supporting school districts with implementing Oregon Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050). Please see below for related news and resources for K-12 educators. 

Research & News Articles for Educators

Resources for Educators

      Resources for Inclusive Sex Ed to Support Students with Disabilities

      Resources for World AIDS Day 35

Upcoming Events, Training & Conference Opportunities for Educators

Unless hosted or facilitated by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), these training opportunities have not been endorsed by ODE, but are being shared as relevant opportunities for education professionals to consider.

            - Jan. 17, 4-5:30pm, STI Minimization- Intentionally Inclusive STD Prevention

            - Feb. 21, 4-5:30pm- Fat Positivity in Sex Ed

            - Apr. 17, 4- 5:30pm- An Intro to a Social Justice Approach to Youth Engagement

            - May 1, 4- 5:30pm- Autistic Focused Sex Ed

Job Opportunities

My Future My Choice Logo

Youth Services Coordinator (Program Analyst 2)

Oregon Department of Human Services and the My Future My Choice (MFMC) Team is hiring two Youth Services Program Trainers to provide technical support, coordination, and training to deliver the MFMC program with efficiency, as part of a comprehensive strategy to reduce rates of teen pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual violence. For more information see job announcement links below. Job postings will close on December 18, 2023. 

Internal (Current State of Oregon employees) MFMC job announcement link

External MFMC job announcement link

Questions? Connections? 

Please reach out to us at ode.sexed@ode.oregon.gov

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