ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter -- October 2023

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ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter: October 2023

Colorful hands

ODE Sexuality Education Newsletter 


October 10, 2023

Dearest Colleagues,

Over this last weekend, students and staff alike have been learning about incomprehensible identity-based violence in Israel and Gaza. Many students have read testimonies of terrorism and seen graphic images of sexual violence, and are now sitting in our classrooms heavy with grief and worry. Students may need to connect to school and community resources as they grapple with these horrific events, including sexual violence and rape. It's important that school staff consider how to address these issues with care in our classrooms, especially considering students who are Jewish, Muslim, and/or are survivors of sexual violence. Please see the Social Science Newsletter from yesterday, October 9th, for more social emotional learning resources for families and educators to support students. The Sex Ed Open Learning Project also has lessons available on media literacy and violence prevention that may be helpful to address misinformation and social media.

Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15th-Oct 15th) offers an additional opportunity to connect health, identity, culture, and community. This Hispanic Heritage Month, the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Latino created a virtual exhibit, ¡Presente! A Latino History of the United States, that explores the diverse historical legacies, immigration stories, intersectional identities and unique contributions of Latina/o/x people of the United States, including their role in fighting for LGBTQ+ rights and making a more just and inclusive society.

And finally, October is also LGBTQ+ History Month, and National Coming Out Day is on October 11th. This newsletter includes resources on incorporating more LGBTQ2SIA+ history into classrooms, as well as other updates, relevant news, resources, and opportunities for further learning.

Section photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Header photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash, Newberg, OR

ODE Health and Sexuality Education Standards Updates

Health Standards Revision Update

The Oregon Department of Education appreciates all of the public feedback received during the Health Education Standards revision process. This feedback led to many changes, deletions and moves, including additional standard content on the topics of neurodiversity and online safety. The State Board of Education reviewed the draft of Health Education Standards on September 21st and will complete its second read on October 19th.


Get Connected to the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Program during LGBTQ+ History Month

ODE is committed to supporting Oregon school districts and education partners to create LGBTQ2SIA+ affirming school communities through a wide range of strategies outlined in the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Plan.

Districts and schools who are not sure where to start should consider reviewing Supporting Gender Expansive Students: Guidance for Schools ​for tools and resources sorted by audience. Educators who want to honor LGBTQ+ History Month all year round may consider the LGBTQ2SIA+ Inclusive Instructional Materials Examples. Subscribe to the LGBTQ2SIA+ Student Success Listserv for program updates and regular newsletters with timely resources.

Sex Ed News & Resources for Educators

ODE is committed to supporting school districts with implementing Oregon Human Sexuality Education (OAR 581-022-2050). Please see below for related news and resources for K-12 educators. 

Research & News Articles for Educators

Resources for Educators

Upcoming Events, Training & Conference Opportunities for Educators

Unless hosted or facilitated by the Oregon Department of Education (ODE), these training opportunities have not been endorsed by ODE, but are being shared as relevant opportunities for education professionals to consider.

Questions? Connections? 

Please reach out to us at ode.sexed@ode.oregon.gov

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