Senate Bill 819 (2023) - Updated ODE Guidance to Support Districts

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

To: Superintendents, Principals, Charter School Leaders, Curriculum Directors, Special Education Directors, Business Managers, 504 Coordinators and Case Managers
From: Tenneal Wetherell, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Enhancing Student Opportunities
Date: July 25, 2023
Re: Senate Bill 819 (2023) - Updated ODE Guidance to Support Districts

Dear Superintendents and Administrators,

We are pleased to announce that ODE has released new guidance related to Senate Bill 819. SB 819 introduces significant changes to the use of abbreviated school day programs in order to ensure meaningful access to education for all students. 

Given the substantial changes in requirements related to these programs under SB 819, ODE has removed its prior guidance and recommends reviewing the updated documents.

This new guidance:

  • Emphasizes the rights of students with disabilities to equitable access and outlines steps to determine if a placement constitutes an abbreviated day.
  • Provides clarification on definitions, applicability, requirements, and processes relating to appropriate use of abbreviated school day programs under SB 819.
  • Details accountability measures such as superintendent reviews, data reporting, and enforcement procedures to ensure compliance.

The guidance document is now available on our Abbreviated School Day Program Placements website. We strongly encourage all administrators, special education directors, IEP teams, and 504 teams to carefully review this important resource.

Training Opportunities

We understand that many individuals are currently on summer break, taking well-deserved time off. However, we also recognize the importance of obtaining information needed to plan for the upcoming school year.

ODE is organizing a series of training webinars designed to assist you in better understanding and implementing SB 819. These sessions will delve into the legislation, outline the new requirements, and provide practical tips to ensure compliance. Additionally, we will make every effort to address participants' questions within the time and scope of our knowledge during the training sessions. In the event that we are unable to address a question immediately, we will make note of it and follow up afterwards. We strongly encourage you to register for one of these sessions by using the links below: 

We understand that implementing this new law will require effort and adjustment. ODE is committed to providing education leaders across the state with the guidance and support they need to ensure equitable access to education for students experiencing disabilities. Please let us know how we can continue supporting your important work.

For questions about SB 819 requirements and implementation, please email