Galveston's 5,000-square-foot mural, entitled “Absolute Equality,” on the spot where Gen. Gordon Granger issued the orders, on June 19th, that resulted in the freedom of more than 250,000 enslaved Black people in Texas. The Southern states refused to obey the Proclamation during the war.
Commemorating Juneteenth
Juneteenth celebrates the date in 1865 when Union troops reached Galveston Bay, Texas, to inform the enslaved African-Americans there that they, along with the more than 250,000 other enslaved black people in the state, were freed by the Emancipation Proclamation. As with the 4th of July, this Federal holiday is celebrated in most communities while students are on summer break. However, the events and symbolism of the holidays are important aspects of our nation's history and civic knowledge that students can explore in the final weeks of school or throughout the year when learning about civic holidays, civil rights, democracy, and U.S. History.
Juneteenth Teaching Resources:
Freedom is in the Claiming (NYT 2020)
National Museum of African American History
10 Books for Adults, Teens, Kids to Celebrate Juneteenth
Learning for Justice Teaching Juneteenth
NEW! Gilder-Lehrman Juneteenth Lesson Plan
More ideas for teaching Juneteenth in K-5
Vox: Why all Americans should honor Juneteenth
TedEd Video (5min)
Annette Gordon Reed On Juneteenth
Juneteenth Events: (June16-19)
Juneteenth Oregon Portland
8 Seconds Juneteenth Rodeo
Central Oregon
Oregon City
 The first of its kind, the new 120ft Never Look Away mural in Portland celebrates eight pioneers of the LBGTQ+ community. Marsha P Johnson, Kathleen Saadat, Rupert Kinnard, Lynn Nakamoto, David Martinez, Angelica Ross, Asa Wright, and Aydien Dowling. The mural is located at 720 NW Davis St in downtown Portland.
It was brought to life by artists Cassandra Swan, Kyra Watkins and mural assistants Rachel Oleson, Tommie Mack-Davis, (aka, Nafsi), and Naomi Likayi.
Including LGBTQ2IA+ History
Including positive representations of LGBTQ2IA+ history and people in the curriculum is most effective when it is a regular practice. Celebrating Pride Month in June provides an opportunity to connect topics with current events and celebrations. GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey consistently finds that students with inclusive curricula feel a greater sense of belonging to their school community, hear fewer homophobic remarks, and are less likely to be victimized or feel unsafe at school than those without inclusive curricula. Including LGBTQ2IA+ topics year-round, helps make school safer for all students.
Pride Teaching Resources.
Frank Kameny & The Fight For Civil Rights
Facing History: Teaching Missing History
One Archive and UCLA LBTQ Lesson Plans
Podcast from Southern Poverty Law Center
Video from OPB on Marie Equi & Primary Documents from Oregon Historical Society
Elementary Booklist from GLSEN
National Park Services on the Lavender Scare
Teaching Stonewall Background Reading from Learning For Justice
Stonewall Riots Primary Documents and Powerpoint from SHEG
Stonewall Uprising High School Lesson Plan from Anti-Defamation League
LGBTQ Supreme Court Cases
Oregon Pride Events
Pride Events NW
La Grande
World Oregon Event
Where: Beaverton
When: June 7, 2023, 7pm
WorldOregon is hosting an event with David Hogg, activist and co-founder of March for Our Lives, at the Patricia Center for the Arts in Beaverton. The choice of Hogg was inspired by the work of WorldOregon’s Young Leaders in Action high schoolers who focused their work this year on the impact of gun violence on youth. Hogg is one of four speakers in WorldOregon’s 2023 International Speaker Series, with the first two events of a four-part series at The Reser. The series continues in fall 2023 with two more events dates and locations to be announced.
Discounted student and veteran tickets are available.
Current WorldOregon members may purchase tickets for the individual events at a savings of $10 off the regular price. If you are not a current member, renew or join to be eligible for a $10 savings on each ticket!
Streaming tickets available for purchase on WorldOregon’s website.
Classroom Law Project Summer Institute
CLP's Summer Institute for Teachers will take place June 26-28 in Salem! Register now to join CLP staff, guest presenters, and educators from around Oregon for 3 days of learning and collaboration. Sessions focus on implementing Community Action Projects and Mock Trial in the classroom, and include presentations to help you incorporate the 2021 ODE Social Science Civics Standards into your curriculum. The popular Coffee with Legislators will be back, along with a tour of the newly renovated Oregon Supreme Court. It is free to attend the Summer Institute, and lodging, meals, and a mileage stipend are provided to attendees.
Oregon Open Learning Featured Resource
The Oregon Open Learning Hub is a digital resource repository and collaboration space for educators, administrators, and other educational partners to curate, create, and remix open educational resources (OER). The Hub is a portal to over 50,000 openly licensed resources available on OER Commons, searchable by grade level, subject, and standard.
Two recent additions to the social science hub:
Resources for Juneteenth
Resources for LGBTQ2IA+ Pride Month
Want to learn more about OER and the Oregon Open Learning Hub? Join the Oregon Open Learning team for an OER Workshop on Thursday, March 9th at 4 p.m. Register here. Asynchronous learning options include the OER Professional Learning Group on the Hub and the User Guide for Oregon Open Learning.