(From a joint press release sent March 23, 2023)
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE), the Early Learning Division (ELD) and Oregon State University (OSU) are partnering to develop the Oregon Early Childhood Inclusion Coaching Collaborative. This collaborative is the first of its kind, focusing on early learners experiencing disabilities. It will assist regional early learning systems and early care and education professionals by offering training and support to regional coaches on how to best include children experiencing disabilities in classroom activities.
The collaborative is an additional layer to the coaching improvement work begun by ELD and OSU’s Early Learning System Initiative in 2021. The Early Learning System Initiative (ELSI) was developed to increase early access to high-quality, professional learning opportunities and technical assistance for the early education workforce in Oregon.
More about the Coaching Collaborative...
The U.S. Department of Education recently issued guiding principles for discipline imploring schools to “treat students with dignity and respect” and to cease disproportionate use of exclusionary discipline. The resource notes that it “identifies five guiding principles and suggests actions schools and school districts can take to create inclusive, safe, supportive, and fair learning environments. The resource also lists federal resources to support these efforts. The five guiding principles are:
- Foster a sense of belonging through a positive, safe, welcoming, and inclusive school environment;
- Support the social, emotional, physical, and mental health needs of all students through evidence-based strategies;
- Adequately support high-quality teaching and learning by increasing educator capacity;
- Recruit and retain a diverse educator workforce; and
- Ensure the fair administration of student discipline policies in ways that treat students with dignity and respect (including through systemwide policy and staff development and monitoring strategies).
This resource references evidence-based policies, practices, and programs that can help create safe, inclusive, supportive, and fair learning environments for all students to learn, grow, and become successful.” We encourage you to review this resource and share it with your networks.
Raise Up Oregon is the state’s plan for the early childhood system and is in partnership with six agencies: Oregon Department of Education, Oregon Department of Early Learning and Care, Oregon Department of Human Services, Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Housing and Community Services and the Higher Education Coordinating Commission.
The second edition of Raise Up Oregon is open for public feedback. Help make sure the state’s plan for early childhood meets your needs! Your input can help shape the actions of government agencies and improve early learning and care in Oregon.
Visit the RUO page to share feedback on the draft plan. The deadline is 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 30.
For support or if you have any questions, please contact Remember.Watts@ode.oregon.gov.
The Youth Engagement Power Hour is a series consisting of youth panels, youth leadership councils, and youth-driven organizations with the purpose of highlighting the statewide engagement and advocacy work they are doing to educate and inform planning initiatives and policy work within OHA’s Health Systems Division. There will also be an opportunity for youth advocates and meeting participants to connect and network through important conversations.
The purpose of this series is to give youth and young adults a platform that elevates their voices, creating a space wherein their advocacy and lived experience is placed at the forefront in informing work within the mental health system of care. Workers of all roles within the mental health system of care are encouraged to attend.
Event information and registration...
 Be sure to check out our Twitter page and follow us to stay up-to-date on everything that's happening in education in Oregon!
Diploma Seal Reminder
Graduation is just around the corner! Oregon public school students who earn a 3.5 GPA or above are eligible for an honor diploma seal. Schools and or Districts are welcome to request diploma seals via phone call, email or fax to the ODE front desk. Contact information is provided on the request form which can be found on the Oregon Diploma webpage.
Purple Up! For Military Kids
Military families help sustain our fighting force, on whom we depend for the security and safety of our nation’s families and communities. In April, the Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) – along with many other organizations, non-profits and public entities - celebrate the important role of military children while their service member parents are serving the nation. Across the country, states, communities and schools celebrate this month in various ways, including wearing the color purple.
More about MIC3...
ODE In the News
Several news outlets have reported on districts getting community input on ODE’s Integrated Guidance process:
Student Spotlight
The Oregonian interviewed some Lake Oswego HS students who organized an Asian Cultural Festival.
The Hermiston Herald followed students from Umatilla High School who helped spruce up a campsite on the coast as part of their senior community service project.
An Oregon student interviewed a peer advocating for a lower voting age in state elections as part of the Oregonian’s Youth Voices series.