In February 2022's CACFP Knowing and Growing Newsletter, ODE CNP notified Oregon CACFP Sponsors of the proposed end of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Declaration on May 11, 2023. USDA has since released two memos with guidance on how this will impact CACFP Sponsors.
CACFP 02-2023 linked in the Memos and Waivers section above provides information on the end of the waiver to allow reimbursements for young adults ages 19 to 24 in emergency shelters on May 11, 2023, which is the last day of the public health emergency. This memo supersedes CACFP 08-2021: Reimbursement for Meals and Snacks Served to Young Adults in the Child and Adult Care Food Program: Implementation Guidance for State Agencies issued on April 9, 2021.
CACFP 03-2023 linked in the Memos and Waivers section above provides information on the end of the waiver to allow off-site monitoring for CACFP Sponsors by June 10, 2023, which is 30 days after the end of the public health emergency. This memo supersedes COVID-19 Child Nutrition Response #96: Nationwide Waiver of Onsite Monitoring Requirements for Sponsors in the Child and Adult Care Food Program - Extension issued on April 20, 2021. Sponsors who want to use the waiver before June 10, 2023 must opt-in by completing the 2022-23 Oregon Waivers form.
Sponsors who have additional questions about the end of the COVID Emergency Declaration are encouraged to reach out to their assigned Child Nutrition Specialist.
USDA's Food and Nutrition Services is proposing updates to Child Nutrition Program nutrition standards to reflect the most recent Dietary Guidelines as required by law. While most of the proposed updates impact the National School Lunch Programs, there are a few revisions that will impact the CACFP meal pattern. The summary of the revisions are listed below:
- Changing the sugar limit in Breakfast Cereals and Yogurts to Added Sugars instead of Total Sugars
- Defines Whole Grain-Rich
- Changes the Meat/Meat Alternates component to Protein component
- Changes Legumes category to Beans, Peas, and Lentils category
- Allows Menu Planning Options for American Indian and Alaska Native Children
- Allows nuts and seeds to credit for the full Meat/Meat Alternate component in meals
- Expands geographic preference in procurement specifications
- Updates meal modification language
- Updates Vitamin A and D units to micrograms
USDA is requesting feedback on the proposed standards from February 7, 2023 through April 10, 2023. Comments can be submitted via the Comment Request page.
Additional information on the proposed provisions are available on the USDA FNS Proposed Updates page.
Reckitt (Mead Johnson), a producer of nutrition products, announced that they have voluntarily chosen to recall two batches of ProSobee 12.9 oz Simply Plan-Based Infant Formula due to the possibility of cross-contamination with Cronobacter sakazakii. All product distributed went through extensive testing and tested negative for the bacteria.
CACFP Sponsors and Providers are encouraged to check the bottom of their Enfamil ProSobee 12.9 oz infant formula for the following affected batch codes: ZL2HZF and ZL2HZZ. The UPC Code for these products is 300871214415. Only those cans with these batch codes, this UPC, and a “Use By Date” of “1 Mar 2024” are affected by the recall.
Those who have recalled product should contact Reckitt by calling 1-800-479-0551 or by emailing Reckitt will directly exchange the recalled product for the participant, i.e., next-day ship them a new can of ProSobee.
More information about this recall is available from the Enfamil Recall Page.
USDA has released its annual adjustments to the Income Eligibility Guidelines to be used in determining eligibility for free and reduced-price meals for the period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The new income eligibility guidelines can be found on the Federal Register and the FNS Website.
Sponsors of the CACFP with Child Care Center, Outside School Hours Child Care Centers, Adult Day Care Centers, and some Head Starts must use the guidelines to determine participant eligibility for free or reduced price meal status. Sponsors reviewing and approving Confidential Income Statements must switch to the new guidelines provided starting July 1, 2023.
You may have heard or seen the term 'Responsible Principals' or 'Responsible Individuals' but what do those words mean when it comes to CACFP?
Responsible Principals or Responsible Individuals (RP/I) are the terms that are used by USDA to define the staff at a CACFP organization who are responsible for CACFP management and oversight. This includes the Authorized Representative, the Food Program Coordinator, the Financial Office Contact, Claim Contact, and the Board Chair (if applicable). Sponsors are required to identify their RP/I and list them on the Sponsor Information Sheet in CNPweb. When there are staffing changes or shifts in duty related to one of these positions, the Sponsor must update the Sponsor Information Sheet and notify their assigned Child Nutrition Specialist.
Having up-to-date information in the Sponsor Information Sheet is important since ODE CNP uses that information to reach out to the RP/I for critical information about their CACFP agreement. This can include:
- Sending important memos and program information
- Connecting with RP/Is for Application Renewals and budget updates each year
- Contacting RP/Is regarding Administrative Reviews, including announcing the review, sending reports, and follow-up letters such as Board Chair Letters and Close Letters
RP/Is cannot be contracted staff. This includes Food Service Management Companies and contracted financial services.
For more information on Responsible Principals/Individuals and oversight requirements, check out the ODE CNP CACFP New Sponsor Staff Training and Administrative Oversight Training.
Oregon CACFP Sponsors may be contacted by Mathematica, a research company, regarding the Study of Nutrition and Physical Activity in Child Care Settings (SNACS) survey. This survey is sponsored by USDA and aims to get nationally representative data on the nutritional qualify of meals served, and costs and revenues in CACFP settings.
ODE CNP is not involved with the survey.
Currently, the study is recruiting and enrolling Sponsors and Providers. Sponsors and Providers who have questions about the study are encouraged to work with the Mathematica contact. More information on this study can also be found on their website:
This is a repeat article from February 2023.
CACFP Annual Training is partially here!
This year, all Oregon CACFP Sponsors will be required to complete three trainings to meet the CACFP Annual Training requirements. The three trainings will be divided into Parts I and II. Part I will include two Civil Rights Training videos and is available now. Part II will include one video on Common Findings and Errors and will be available on March 20, 2023 and at the Oregon School Nutrition Association's Conference on March 10, 2023. All trainings will be required for the Food Program Coordinator only. However, ODE CNP recommends that all Authorized Representatives and Responsible Principals of the CACFP view the three trainings. The Food Program Coordinator must take a quiz for each part of the training in order to verify completion.
These trainings have been developed in order to meet requirements as set by USDA and in recognition of many Sponsors' staffing limitations. Our goal is to provide CACFP Sponsors with the information to effectively meet CACFP requirements in the simplest way possible.
The break-down of the requirements and the links to the available videos and quiz are listed below. The links to the video and quiz for Part II will be available on March 20, 2023.
Part I: Civil Rights Trainings: (See also the Civil Rights Training Memo sent out on February 8, 2023) By March 31, 2023, the Food Program Coordinator for the CACFP must complete the following:
View the trainings:
Complete the short quiz and verification statement:
Part II: Common Findings and Errors: The Food Program Coordinator for the CACFP must complete one of the following by June 1, 2023:
- View the Common Findings and Error video and complete the short quiz and verification statement once available on March 20, 2023
- Attend the Oregon School Nutrition Association (OSNA) Conference's CACFP Annual Training Sessions for At-Risk only or At-Risk and Child Care Centers on March 10, 2023 - This in-person option is only available to School Food Authorities, Register Here.
Sponsors must complete all CACFP Annual Training requirements in order to complete renewals for CACFP for Fiscal Year 2024. Those who fail to complete all training requirements may be determined to be seriously deficient.
If you have questions about CACFP Annual Training requirements, reach out to your assigned Child Nutrition Specialist.
ODE CNP welcomes Emma Ahern to the Community Team! Emma joins us as a Program Analyst 1 and will be working with both CACFP and SFSP Sponsors.
Emma was born and raised in Watsonville, California, a working-class, agricultural community on the Central Coast. She moved to Oregon in 2014 to attend Willamette University, where she studied Politics and Art History, and has lived in Portland since graduating. Prior to joining the CNP team at ODE, Emma served as part of the Title IX and Human Resources teams at the University of Portland, supporting the investigatory, employment and wellness needs of the community, building on time spent as an advocate in her undergraduate career. In her free time, she enjoys birdwatching as a member of the Güero Bird Club, woodcut printmaking, being outdoors, boxing and cooking, as well as spending time with her cat Mondo.
ODE CNP welcomes Ashlie Berry to the Community Team! Ashlie is our new Administrative Specialist 1 and will be working with both CACFP and SFSP Sponsors.
After earning her bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology from Oregon State University, Ashlie entered the world of healthcare to explore her passion of helping others. While the road within the healthcare field changed a few times, Ashlie spent the last few years expanding her background and knowledge in healthcare management and administration amid the COVID-19 pandemic. She is now focusing her energy back to her passion of nutrition in public health, by way of the Child Nutrition Programs. Ashlie is excited to be apart of the ODE team and help in any way that she can.
Outside of work, Ashlie enjoys traveling, spending time with her family, and paddle boarding when the weather in Oregon permits.
USDA’s Team Nutrition initiative is pleased to announce the release of two slightly revised PowerPoint (PPT) training slides for “Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List”, Parts 1 & 2. The English and Spanish versions of the following training slides have been updated to remove footnotes related to the COVID-19 Pandemic and to include new images.
Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List Part 1:
Identifying Whole Grain-Rich Foods for the CACFP Using the Ingredient List Part 2:
To view the full collection of Team Nutrition’s ready-to-go CACFP Meal Pattern Training Slides, visit
State agencies are encouraged to share this announcement with their Child Nutrition Program operators and others who may be interested. Questions about this announcement may be sent to
CACFP Week is coming up on March 12-18, 2023! This education and information campaign is sponsored by the National CACFP Sponsors Association and is designed to raise awareness of how the USDA's Child and Adult Care Food Program works to combat hunger. Free resources and webinars are available on the National CACFP Sponsors Association's CACFP Week page.
 Meghan Tschida, Community Team Manager
Deanna (DeDe) Poynor, Team Lead
Cathy Brock, Child Nutrition Specialist, Summer Food Service Program Outreach Coordinator
Natalie Bratton, Child Nutrition Specialist
Sarah English, Child Nutrition Specialist
Eliza Kondo, Child Nutrition Specialist
Darcy Miller, Child Nutrition Specialist
Kaitlin Skreen, Child Nutrition Specialist
Shannon Smith, Child Nutrition Specialist
Shirley Wu, Child Nutrition Specialist
Teresa Murray, Fiscal & Audit Analyst
Emma Ahern, Program Analyst 1
Ashlie Berry, Administrative Specialist 1
Community Nutrition E-mail box
Visit us on the web ODE CACFP
Upcoming CACFP Newsletters will be distributed around the first week of each month.
Subscribe to this newsletter: CACFP Newsletter Subscription
For previous ODE CNP CACFP newsletters, check out the ODE CNP CACFP Memo page.
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: Filing a Program Complaint as a USDA Customer webpage, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 Complaint form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
- mail:
U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or
- fax:
(833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or
- email: