The ODE ESSA Federal Programs Monthly Newsletter - October 2022

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The ODE Federal Programs Team Monthly Newsletter - October 2022

Federal Programs: News, Updates, and Events

USDE Kids Phto-Window

Mark Your Calendar!

  • CIP Budget Narratives – Opened August 11th, due November 1st.
  • Principal and Teacher Evaluation Data Collection – Opened September 22nd, closes November 18th
  • Title I-D October Caseload 22-23 data collection - Opens October 27th, closes December 2nd
  • Title I-A/II-A/IV-A/V-B Office Hours in October: Digging Deeper into Title I-A (Tuesdays 10-11 AM)
    • October 11 – Criteria for Schoolwide Plans
    • October 18 – Rank and Serve
    • October 25 – Family Engagement

CIP Budget Narrative Reminders and Resources

USED Seal 2

The deadline for completing the 2022-23 CIP Budget Narrative for Titles I-A, I-D, 

II-A, IV-A and V-B is November 1st. The CIP Budget Narrative is where districts describe how ESSA grant funds will be used in service of school and district plans for continuous improvement. As your district completes these applications for funds, consider these questions:

  • Is the cost included in the district or school plan in response to a need identified in the comprehensive needs assessment?
  • Is the purchase allowable and allocable under the grant program?
  • Is the cost necessary?
  • Is the cost reasonable?


The Federal Systems Team is here to support you in this process! Check out the narrative checklists, CIP Budget Narrative PowerPoints, and CIP Budget Narrative User Guide and don’t hesitate to reach out to your regional contact with any questions.  

  • Jen Engberg: Clackamas, Columbia Gorge, Multnomah and Northwest Regional
  • Sarah Martin: Douglas, Lake, Malheur, South Coast and Southern Oregon
  • Lisa Plumb: Lane, Linn Benton Lincoln and Willamette
  • Amy Tidwell: Grant, Harney, High Desert, InterMountain, Jefferson, North Central and Region 18

Resources for Title I-A Schoolwide Planning

Check out these new resources designed to support districts in schoolwide planning!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to your regional I-A/II-A/IV-A/V-B contact with any questions.

School Meal Programs Communication Toolkit

Schools and school districts returned to standard school meal programs on July 1, 2022 when federal waivers related to COVID ended. As a reminder, families have not needed to apply for free/reduced-price meals throughout the pandemic due to the federal waivers allowing all students to be served meals at no charge. 

As school districts transition to requiring applications, we encourage you to develop a communications and outreach plan to support families as they adjust to this process. Oregon Department of Education Child Nutrition Program has developed resources to communicate the transition to the traditional meal service model as well as Oregon's Student Success Act nutrition initiatives to increase student access to meals at no cost in public schools.

Staff can also visit the SNP training page to view available trainings on this topic.

Webinar on Well-Rounded Learning Opportunities

Well-Rounded Access Program (WRAP)

The Well-Rounded Access Program will be hosting a How to Support Well-Rounded Opportunities with Federal Funds webinar on Friday, October 28 from 3:00 - 4:00 PM.  During this time, we will consult with experts at the Oregon Department of Education to walk through how to support well-rounded opportunities using Federal Funds.  Participants can expect to receive an overview of federal funding sources, including Title, Perkins, and IDEA funding.  In addition, participants will gain a more in-depth understanding of well-rounded and how to use these funding resources for well-rounded opportunities identified by their communities.  

Please register for this webinar in advance to receive the webinar link and calendar invite.  We will also be recording this webinar and posting it to our website.

ESSA Quick Reference Brief Spotlight: Comparability


Comparability is a fiscal test for Title I-A. It is a school-level calculation that measures the level of State and local funds provided to a district's Title I-A and non-Title I-A schools. The goal is to determine whether the distribution of State and local funds and resources to schools are comparable regardless of Title I-A status.

In ESSA Quick Reference Brief: Comparability find out more about comparability requirements as well as examples of methods for demonstrating comparability. Check out other ESSA Quick Reference Briefs on the Federal Programs web page.

Title I-A Comparability Report

The ESEA Title I-A annual comparability calculations are due by December 1st. This requirement applies to all school districts that accept Title I-A funds with the exception of any district that has one building per grade span. In addition, if a district has a school with fewer than 100 students enrolled, the school does not need to be included in the comparability calculations.

Relevant documents can be found on the Title I-A Data Collections webpage. Please submit your district’s evidence of comparability to Lisa Plumb by December 1, 2022.

Resuming Regular Evaluation Cycles and Practices in 2022-23

Supporting the development of excellent educators is paramount to student well-being and learning. In preparation for the 2022-23 school year ODE has updated its guidance whose key messages are highlighted below.

  • Submit summative ratings to ODE, even if these data are incomplete. Districts are required to evaluate and submit summative evaluation results within the Principal and Teacher Evaluation Data Collection for SY 2021-22. The summative rating must reflect the educator’s performance relative to the standards for professional practice and responsibility described in the district’s four point evaluation rubric. There will be no penalty for districts with incomplete data, however data must still be submitted before the collection closes November 18th.
  • Student Learning and Growth Goal requirements are unchanged from 2021-22. All educators must set two Student Learning and Growth Goals, and one Professional Growth Goal. While at least one SLG Goal should be based on relevant instructional or content area standards, ODE recommends that one of the two goals center on student engagement and/or social, emotional and behavioral health.
  • ODE is recommending that Oregon’s Statewide Summative Test results not be used as a goal setting measure. ODE encourages school leaders to use formative and classroom-based assessments


Liz Ross, Director of Federal Systems –

Sarah Martin, Education Specialist –

Help Get the Word Out: Claiming Child Tax Credits before November 15

Many families and individuals experiencing poverty have not claimed Child Tax Credits or the Third Stimulus payment due to them. Families have until November 15, 2022 to claim the credit.

Nearly 90% of children in the U.S. are eligible for the 2021 expanded Child Tax Credit (CTC), which provides up to $3,600 per child. Additional income like the CTC is associated with stronger educational performance, improved health, and reduced stress among kids in families with low incomes. Unfortunately, too many kids are at risk of missing out.

While the tax filing deadline has passed, families with no or low incomes can still file without penalty to claim the full CTC (or the remaining half if they received 2021 advance payments). Families have until mid-November to claim the credit on their own through the simplified filing portal, After that, families can still claim the 2021 CTC but must file full tax returns. They have until April 15, 2025, to do so.

 Things You Can Do to Help Families Claim the CTC: 

  • Distribute printed or digital flyers
  • Text or email to families in your state, using these sample messages in multiple languages. 
  • Promote the CTC and the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), a new federal benefit that helps families pay for internet service and a computer or tablet. You can find more resources on the ACP here

Outreach materials are available here in 11 languages, including flyers, template emails, texts, and robocalls.  

Office Hours for SY 2022-23

Titles I-A, II-A, IV-A, and V-B

Tuesdays from 10-11 AM     (Passcode: 691091)

Title III

Mondays; 12-1PM    (Passcode: 113091) 

Title IV-B

4th Thursday; 10-11 AM


Private Schools

2nd Wednesday; 9-10 AM


Foster Care

2nd Tuesday; 1-2 PM



Resumes September 15th

3rd Thursday; 1:30 – 2:30 PM


FST's "Framework of Support"

Our goal is to provide differentiated support and strengthen the partnership between districts and ODE federal program staff. Check out the resources and support below and please don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can support you!

Framework of Support

Need Further Assistance? 

The Federal Systems Team is here to help!


Director: Liz Ross 

Title IA: Lisa Plumb, Jen EngbergSarah Martin, & Amy Tidwell

Title VB: Amy Tidwell

Title ID: Jen Engberg 

Title IIA: Sarah Martin

Title III: Kim Miller, Susy Mekarski, & Leslie Casebeer

Title IVA: Lisa Plumb

Title IVB: Raquel Gwynn

Private Schools: Janette Newton

SSA Summer: Sophie Hilton

Foster Care POCs: Marlie Magill

Foster Transportation: Meera Kreitzer

Jump Start Kindergarten: Nancy Hauth

McKinney-Vento & ARP - HCY: Chris James 

Support / Newsletter Contacts: Jennifer SappingtonMaddie Lawrence