New Resources Aimed at Making the Right Work Easier

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

New Resources Aimed at Making the Right Work Easier

Dear Partners,

In this message, our office is sharing more information about three new resources to support the implementation of Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives:

Resource 1: Community Engagement Survey Guide and Survey Item Bank

Resource 2: District Data Dashboard and Data Visualizations 

Resource 3: A Resource to Ensure Focal Student Group Safety and Privacy (delayed)

Each of these resources can actively support applicants as they move into the fall and begin public planning and community engagement work that will support the Integrated Application, which is due in March 2023. 

Resource 1: Community Engagement Survey Guide and Item Bank

Two resources are being put forward with the shared goal of supporting quality community, student, family, and staff surveys that can help inform applicants’ planning and complement deeper community engagement activities this fall.

The Community Engagement Survey Guide offers practical information on best practices for surveying community members. Within the guide, we offer information around: 

  • Outreach and rollout of surveys; 
  • How to use the accompanying survey item bank;
  • Protecting and honoring confidentially; and
  • Analysis of responses.

The Survey Item Bank provides a comprehensive inventory of questions applicants could include in surveys for students, families, school staff, and community members that can be customizable to meet the needs of your particular community. Questions within the item bank cover multiple domains including school culture and climate, student and staff relationships, school environment, and school-sponsored activities. The item bank also provides a set of questions to help get input on spending priorities. 

Resource 2: District Data Dashboard and Data Visualizations 

Reviewing and visualizing data is a powerful aspect of meaningful community and staff engagement to support the planning process. It is a requirement within the Integrated Guidance that district staff review disaggregated data by focal student, where data exists. We are excited to share multiple paths to meet this goal and to elevate one new statewide resource that offers avenues to share more data for discussion in digestible and accessible formats.  

Two resources to support the same goal

The goal is to visualize and discuss disaggregated data in ways to inform an applicants’ planning. An applicant might already have access to this type of data visualization with their own suite of tools. An applicant may get support from their ESD or work with data teams or partners that can assist. We want to encourage these practices by any means possible. 

Today, we are excited to share a new publicly accessible data dashboard and one-page guide, created in collaboration with Northwest Regional ESD, which provides suppressed data (publicly available) for each school and district. The data provided includes: 

  • Demographics; 
  • Federal program demographics (i.e. students with disabilities, emerging bilinguals, etc); 
  • Regular attenders; 
  • English language arts; 
  • Mathematics; 
  • Ninth grade on-track; 
  • Four year graduation; 
  • Five year completion; and 
  • Employment projections.

The data dashboard will continue to develop over the coming months but you can begin to use it now. 

This October, ODE will also release PDF files of suppressed and unsuppressed data visualizations to each school and district. These data visualizations will include data for the five common metrics - regular attendance, third grade reading, ninth grade on-track, four year graduation, and five year completion. This information will further support districts in drafting their Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGTs). 

Resource 3: A Resource to Ensure Focal Student Group Safety and Privacy (delayed)

ODE staff is hard at work developing an additional resource that will provide recommendations and information about supporting the safety needs of students, families, and communities of focal student groups that are at particular risk of experiencing harm, including LGBTQ2SIA+ students, migrant students, and recently arrived students. 

While previously slated for release alongside these other tools, we are taking a few additional weeks to complete this effort. We anticipate releasing this additional resource by the middle of September. 

Overall, these supplemental resources will further support the efforts applicants are already undertaking to begin preparing for the submission of the Integrated Application. If you have any questions about any of these new resources, please connect with our team at