Our team is deeply appreciative of the opportunity to meet with districts and schools in-person over the past month – and we’re looking forward to connecting with a few more regions in the first week of June to share more about the Aligning for Student Success: Integrated Guidance for Six ODE Initiatives! As you’re reflecting on the guidance sessions, starting to solidify your planning teams, and continuing to plan your community engagement for the fall, we encourage you to reach out to our team at ODE.EII@ode.oregon.gov if you have any questions or needs.
Important Dates & Deadlines
Student Investment Account
April 1, 2022 - May 31, 2022: YCEP/JDEP Application Window
April 1, 2022 - June 1, 2022: Decline 2021-22 Universal Summer Extension Window (OAR 581-014-004)
June 30, 2022: All SIA grant recipients must claim 100% of SIA funds regardless of the universal summer extension.
Program Specific Updates
Early Indicator and Intervention Systems (EIIS)
EIIS grant recipients can now complete the EIIS Reporting Form for EIIS allowable expenses from the 2021-2022 school year. Claims can be applied to expenses made between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022. All EGMS claims and reporting forms must be submitted by August 15, 2022.
EIIS allocations for the 2022-2023 school year are currently being finalized and will be available on the “Early Indicator & Intervention System - Grant in Aid” page. Please check back in the beginning of June.
ESSA Partnerships (CSI/TSI)
In January, districts receiving federal funds to support ESSA Partnership Grants for CSI/TSI schools were required to provide a progress update though the Winter Update Survey. Survey responses were due by March 2, 2022.
Districts receive ESSA Partnership subgrants to support identified CSI/TSI schools and their targeted students groups. Districts are responsible for monitoring and reporting school-level progress and adjusting improvement strategies and activities accordingly.
At this time, not all districts have submitted their Winter Update Survey. Therefore, a hold has been put on all ESSA Partnership EGMS claims for districts who have not reported on their Winter Update. Claims submitted will be rejected until the Winter Update Survey has been completed.
High School Success (HSS)
The High School Success team at ODE is excited to share a research collaboration with the University of Oregon to evaluate the impact of HSS. We need your help to make the study as strong as possible. Please take 5-7 minutes to complete this short survey about your district or school’s experience with 9th grade success coaches (including if your district or school does not use 9th grade success coaches). The survey will remain open through July 15, 2022.
Please note that this survey is optional, though we greatly appreciate your participation. Completion of the survey will not impact your HSS plans or allocations, or substitute for the required expenditure reporting this summer and fall. For more information about the study, please contact Dr. Kathleen Scalise, Professor of Education Policy and Leadership at the University of Oregon, or Dr. Dan Farley, ODE’s Director of Assessment, who is the Principal Investigator for the grant.
Also, the window to submit HSS Expenditure Reports will open in July and Expenditure Reports are due August 15th, 2022. Please be on the look out for more detailed instructions in the next monthly communication.
Student Investment Account (SIA)
SIA Funds: As of April 1, grantees are able to claim 100% of their 2021-22 SIA funds. As a reminder, the SIA is a disbursement grant thus allowing grantees to claim funds before spending occurs. All grantees have a universal summer extension, which allows funds to be spent through September 30, 2022.
- All grant recipients must claim 100% of SIA funds by June 30, 2022 regardless of the universal summer extension.
2022-23 (Y2) Allocations: We anticipate releasing 2022-23 final SIA allocations in June. For your planning in the meantime, we recommend using the Estimated Allocations found on the SIA website. Please take into account 2022-23 allocations will use 2021-22 second period extended ADMw for calculations.
YCEP/JDEP: As a reminder, YCEP and JDEP programs are now eligible to apply for SIA funds. SIA applications can be submitted from now until May 31, 2022 via the Google form shared with programs. If you have any questions as you’re completing the SIA application, reach out to SIAinfo@ode.oregon.gov.
Highlighted Resources for the Month
In Partnership, OHA and ODE have released the Fentanyl & Opioid Response Toolkit aimed at supporting schools and communities amidst the rise in opioid related overdoses. The toolkit helps educate and provide awareness of this public health crisis, while also providing tools to help schools prepare and respond.