ODE’s Commitment to Equity and Access in Math Education
ODE is committed to supporting an equitable mathematics system that intentionally broadens the participation and engagement of all students while harnessing the cultural, linguistic, and mathematical competencies they bring to the classroom. The vision of the Oregon Math Project is to engineer a system of equitable and rigorous mathematics teaching and learning where all students are invited to the table with an authentic sense of belonging, purpose, and joy throughout their K-12 learning.
Understand ODE’s commitments to equitable mathematics education by visiting the ODE Mathematics webpage.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
2021 Math Standards and Guidance Update
In October 2021, the Oregon State Board of Education adopted the revised math standards which can be found on the Oregon Math Standards page. At this time, the only additional resource published would be a K-12 crosswalk connecting the 2021 standards to the 2010 (CCSS) version.
Work has been completed to update the guidance documents that accompany the standards, but are planning a soft launch this month with math leaders in our state to review before publishing our website.
If you are an Oregon educator and have interest in reviewing the pre-publication draft, please reach out to Mark Freed, ODE Math Education Specialist, to review the draft guidance. Look for an update in the February newsletter with more information about publication of the guidance document.
Photo by Call Me Fred on Unsplash
Oregon Open Learning Workshop
 Do you want to learn more about open educational resources (OER) and the Oregon Open Learning Hub? This Oregon Open Learning Workshop will be an interactive virtual professional learning event that will provide participants an opportunity to learn about open educational resources (OER) and the Oregon Open Learning Hub, Oregon’s K-12 repository for OER.
Join the Oregon Open Learning team for this engaging, hands-on OER Workshop on Tuesday, February 15 from 4:00pm-5:30pm (PST). Register today!
Have additional questions about Oregon Open Learning? Check out our short video and answers to some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). You can reach out directly to the team by emailing OregonOpenLearning@ode.oregon.gov.
Tools for Teachers Resources of the Month
Oregon students and educators continue to have free access to a high-quality, standards-aligned interim assessment system and Tools for Teachers resources. Oregon’s interim assessments are optional “just-in-time” blocks that can easily be aligned to grade- and course-level units. These interim assessment blocks provide educators with actionable data about student knowledge and abilities to help target instruction to meet students’ individual learning needs.
Oregon’s interim assessments are seamlessly linked to the Tools for Teachers platform, which includes student performance progressions, instructional resources, formative assessment strategies, and professional learning resources that are created by educators, for educators.
Check out the January Tools for Teachers resources of the month!
For more information, contact Andrew Byerley, Mathematics Assessment Specialist.
Oregon Math Leaders Network
The Oregon Math Leaders Network is a community of math practitioners who work together to implement and support math teaching and learning in Oregon. Participants include teacher leaders, TOSAs, program administrators, college faculty, and math community partners. If you identify as a math leader, you are! We support each other personally and professionally by asking critical questions, collaborating on problems of practice, and sharing our work.
For the 2021-22 school year, the network plans to meet virtually on the third Thursday of each month, with both morning (8:30-9:30am PT) and afternoon (3:30-4:30pm) options. To receive a calendar invitation and Zoom link, please join the Oregon Math Leaders Google Group. If you’re already a member, you don’t need to sign up again -- you’ll get the invite and link. Our next meeting will be Thursday, January 20, 2022. Hope to see you online!
Math Leader Special Session - Feb. 3, 2022
In addition to the regular monthly meeting, join ODE’s TAG Specialist, Angela Allen, on Thursday, February 3, 2022, from 8:30-9:30am, for a workshop on Building Student Agency Through Differentiation. Participants will deepen their understanding of depth and complexity, and gain valuable tools to help students continue to build agency as learners through the process of differentiation. Register in advance for this workshop, and spread the word!
Join the “Grading for Equity” Book Study
Transforming traditional grading practices is vital in order to shift the focus away from students simply working for a grade toward a more learning-centered and equitable educational experience. Efforts to foster positive student identity and increase academic safety are undermined by not addressing grading practices, both at the classroom level and at the system level. Many Oregon schools, consistent with national trends, are reporting higher failure rates for students during the COVID-19 pandemic than ever before. This is especially true for students in historically underserved communities. How can we respond?
With the goals of analyzing current grading practices and taking action to make them more equitable, the Oregon Education Association and Oregon Department of Education are facilitating a book study for educators of Joe Feldman’s bestselling book Grading for Equity: What it is, Why it matters, and How it can transform schools and classrooms. OEA will provide copies of the book to participants who commit to participate in 5 sessions. Virtual sessions will meet synchronously on Tuesday evenings from February 1 through March 8, 2022, from 6-7pm PT. Click here to register. The book study is free for OEA members and $75 for non-members.
Contact ODE’s Equitable Grading Practices team for more information.
Upcoming “TODOS: Mathematics for ALL” Events
LGBTQ+ Community Forum
This new Special Interest Group will advocate for equity and inclusion in mathematics education for LGBTQ+ students.
January 27, 2022
4:30 (PST)/7:30 (EST)
Register here.
TODOS - CASIO AMERICA Webinar Series on Data Science
We are pleased to once again partner with CASIO to offer webinars on important topics. Data Science is a rapidly growing field of study with implications for equity in K-12 classroom experiences. Learn from practitioners; bring your ideas and questions.
Messy Data: Data Science for High School Students
Speaker: Suyen Machado and Kyndall Brown
January 26, 2022, 4:00 (PST)/7:00 (EST)
Description and Registration here.
Data Science: A New Gateway to Identity and Belonging in Quantitative Fields
Speaker:Tanya LaMar
February 9, 2022, 4:00 (PST)/7:00 (EST)
Description and Registration here.
Data Literacy in Early Childhood Mathematics Classrooms
Speakers: Jennifer Ward and Courtney Koestler
February 23, 2022, 4:00 (PST)/7:00 (EST)
Description and Registration here.
Free Online All-Girls Chess Tournament
On the Second Saturday/Sunday of every month, Jesuit High School sophomore student Nesara Shree will be hosting a free online All-Girls Chess Tournament, an event to help bring together and encourage female Chess players, bridging the large gender gap in the sport.
It will be a monthly recurring event and has been approved as a qualifier for Oregon's annual State Chess Championship event. All levels/experience are welcome! It is important that at this critical juncture, girls feel supported. Please encourage your female students to participate in these tournaments and the available benefits of Chess - improve logical thinking, decision making and strategizing skills, confidence, seeing patterns and thinking ahead. More details including registration info can be found here.
ODE STEAM/STEM Education Program Specialist Position - Extended Deadline
The Oregon Department of Education is currently seeking a STEAM/STEM Education Program Specialist (Education Program Specialist 2). This position is located on the Standards and Instructional Support Team within the Office of Teaching, Learning and Assessment. The monthly salary range is $6,043 - $9,289, and the deadline to apply is January 16, 2022.
Please contact ode.jobs@state.or.us if you have any questions on the application process.
Announcements or Opportunities to Share?
If you have an opportunity or announcement to share statewide, please contact the ODE Math team. Our goal is to publish the Math Educator Update around the middle of every month except July. As always, we appreciate your participation as Oregon’s mathematics community!
We want to hear from you! Contact the ODE Math Team at ODE.MathProject@ode.oregon.gov.
The materials contained in the Department of Education’s Oregon Science Educator Update are drawn from both internal and external sources and inclusion of external materials does not necessarily indicate Oregon Department of Education endorsement.