A Legislative Update for SIA
In the last session, the Legislature passed HB 2537, which amends the language of ORS 327.180. This new legislature expands how SIA funds can be used to support career and technical education (bold denotes the additional language):
(iii) Career and technical education, including career and technical student organization programs and payment of student fees, costs, and instructors of those programs
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs) are elements of CTE programs, and include student leadership organizations such as DECA (Marketing), FBLA (Business), FCCLA (Child Development/Education), FFA (Agriculture), FNRL (Natural Resources), HOSA (Health Occupations), SkillsUSA (Skilled Trades), and TSA (Technology and IT).
With this shift to the SIA, if your school or district is interested in using SIA funds to support CTSO payment of student fees, costs, and/or instructors, please reach out to SIAinfo@state.or.us.
November Office Hours
The SIA team is here to support grantees in the completion of their SIA Progress Reports! We are offering office hours throughout the month of November to support grantees in completing their reporting dashboards.
November SIA Messages
The SIA team will be taking a break off our biweekly schedule and will not be releasing a message on Friday, November 26.
While summer learning might be the last thing on your mind, we wanted to get ahead of the curve and provide schools and districts with the ODE Summer Learning Best Practice Guide. We know early and robust planning is one of the most important characteristics of effective summer programs. Experts agree, summer planning starts in the fall. This Guide may also inform the development and implementation of ESSER III plans to address unfinished learning.
ODE crafted this guide through engagement with school teachers and leaders, district staff, and community partners along with incorporating resources and best practices nationwide. The Summer Learning Best Practice Guide is designed to help schools and districts as they develop a variety of summer programming; its aim is to offer ideas and resources from research and practice to help shape learning experiences that matter to students. Check out our ODE Summer Learning webpage and upcoming webinar series!
Please send any questions or comments to SIAInfo@state.or.us.
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