October 29 Student Investment Account Update

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SIA Update

Many grantees are moving through the process to ensure their submitted Plan Update meets requirements. At the same time, Quarter 1 Reporting Dashboards were released, and the deadline for submission is in just a few days (October 31). For those grantees who are still working with the SIA team to submit additional information for the Plan Update, the District Grant Managers will pause on reviewing their Quarter 1 Reporting Dashboard until their Plan Update meets requirements. This is to ensure all aspects of the budget, including any necessary revisions, are accurately reported during Quarter 1. We are working closely with the Application Managers to make sure we know who is working to submit additional information for their Plan Update, and will reach out to grantees once their Plan Update meets requirements. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to send us an email at siainfo@ode.state.or.us.


Quarter 1 Progress Reports

Quarter 1 Progress Reports for the 2021-22 year are due October 31! If you are not able to complete the report by the deadline please reach out to the SIA team at siainfo@ode.state.or.us. We are happy to work with you and support you in any way we can.

November Office Hours

The SIA team is here to support grantees in the completion of their SIA Progress Reports! We are offering office hours throughout the month of November to support grantees in completing their reporting dashboards. 

November 30, 2021 marks the Period 3 and Annual Report deadline for those with a summer extension from last school year 2020-2021. However, like all of our processes, we will continue to work with you and treat these reports like student work. We encourage you to reach out to your District Grant Manager or SIAinfo@ode.state.or.us if you have any needs or anticipate needing an extension.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I need to present my P3 Progress Report and the Annual Report to my governing board?

A: No. Grantees are only required to present the Annual Report portion of the reporting dashboard to their governing board. There is no specific format grantees must use, and the board does not need to approve the Annual Report. The requirement is that the information is shared with the board during an open meeting in a format that makes sense to the grantee (ie, slide deck, printout of the dashboard, etc.). This presentation cannot be an item on a consent agenda, but must be presented and open for public comment. Should you have any additional questions, please reach out to siainfo@ode.state.or.us

Q: What are the expectations for maintaining SIA documents on our district or school website?

A: The Student Investment Account is rooted in community engagement and transparency. In keeping with this spirit, districts and eligible charter schools are required to post important documents including their SIA plan, budget, grant agreements, and annual reports to their websites and ensure those documents remain posted and publicly accessible throughout the length of the grant. The SIA team shares the following as guidelines for all SIA documents posted to recipient websites:

  • Original plans and budgets (board-approved) should be maintained on the district or school website. 
  • Budgets submitted with your 2021-23 SIA Plan Update should also be posted alongside the original plan and budget until the next full application cycle is completed in spring 2023. At that time, the new board-approved plan and budget can replace the earlier versions on the district or school website.
  • If you submitted an amendment, your updated SIA plan should also be posted.
  • SIA grant agreements should also be maintained on the district or school website until the next application cycle is completed in spring 2023. If the grant agreement is amended, ODE encourages recipients to post amendments alongside the original grant agreement on the district or school website.
  • SIA Annual Report responses to the annual report questions should be posted, but there is not a required format - it could be in a slide deck, a print out of the reporting dashboard, or another format that is accessible to parents and the community. 

Some districts have a Student Success Act/Student Investment Account webpage that is dedicated to posting information about community engagement activities and events, the legislation and the documents referenced above. Other districts have a “Documents” link where these items can be found. While districts and eligible charter schools have discretion as to where they post these documents, they should be easily searchable and accessible (one to two clicks away from the main webpage).

Resources We’re Excited About

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) is a popular approach to support student academic, mental and behavioral health through 1) universal and preventative practices for all students; 2) additional resources to students with an identified need; and 3) intensive supports to those with a significant mental health or academic concern. MTSS is designed as a system to promote equitable outcomes. However, its effectiveness at increasing academic achievement or social-emotional success for focal student groups is greatly determined by the intentionality of equitable practices and decision-making throughout and across each phase of the model to ensure that those most in need of supports receive them.  

Intentional equitable practices are foundational to MTSS for all students and should create inclusive and welcoming school environments, culturally affirming and responsive practices, and universal design for learning across the curriculum. By first connecting all students to the school community and to learning, student barriers and intervention needs become clearer, which allows the system greater capacity to dedicate time and resources to those students most in need of intervention.

While a well-practiced universal core model will result in more accurate determinations for supplemental interventions, there is still a risk of bias entering into the decision-making process, as evidenced by a study that found White student over-representation and Black student under-representation in the final selection of students ultimately receiving intervention. 

Equitable Decision Making and Progress Monitoring Strategies

  • Define students needing support through a strengths-based lens: preferred or first language(s), previous experiences in school and/or opportunities to learn, attendance patterns, engagement, student strengths in other aspects of schooling
  • Utilize multiple sources of data that illustrate a comprehensive picture of the student: reliable and valid screening, progress monitoring measures balanced with other sources of data such as student and family input
  • Weigh the potential benefits and negative impacts of intervention: the Oregon Equity Lens, Decision Tree, or your own Equity Lens help take into account historical and ongoing disparities that impact focal students
  • Create clear and manageable student progress monitoring and evaluation plans: define what success will look like, when to increase intensity or alter an intervention, and how to transition a student away from an intervention

Summer Learning Best Practice Guide 2022

While summer learning might be the last thing on your mind, we wanted to get ahead of the curve and provide schools and districts with the ODE Summer Learning Best Practice Guide. We know early and robust planning is one of the most important characteristics of effective summer programs. Experts agree, summer planning starts in the fall. This Guide may also inform the development and implementation of ESSER III plans to address unfinished learning.

ODE crafted this guide through engagement with school teachers and leaders, district staff, and community partners along with incorporating resources and best practices nationwide.  The Summer Learning Best Practice Guide is designed to help schools and districts as they develop a variety of summer programming; its aim is to offer ideas and resources from research and practice to help shape learning experiences that matter to students. Check out our ODE Summer Learning webpage and upcoming webinar series!


Additional Resources

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Please send any questions or comments to SIAInfo@state.or.us

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