2021-2023 Quarter 1 Progress Reports
The reporting window for the SIA Quarter 1 Progress Report is now open!
Earlier this morning, a link to each grantee’s customized reporting dashboard was sent to all points of contact on file. This link is specific and customized to your district or charter school and allows editing by anyone with the link. This is a new dashboard link for the 2021-22 school year and is not linked to your previous reporting.
For this Quarter 1 Progress Report (due October 31, 2021), we are asking you to do the following:
- Review and verify the Strategy, Activity, and Budget information that has been pre-populated from your Integrated Planning Tool and/or your Required Budget Template.
- Update your budget to balance with your actual allocation.
- Select the appropriate “FTE Type” from the dropdown menu for all activities that have an associated FTE.
- Respond to the four Journaling Progress Questions. These do not need to be robust responses, but we do ask that you carefully consider what shifts or changes you are seeing in your district or charter school as a result of the implementation of the Student Investment Account.
For more information and guidance, refer to the Guidance Folder, or reach out to SIAinfo@ode.state.or.us.
Biennial Cycle
ODE frequently hears from school and district leaders that the number of grant programs a single district participates in grows each year. As a result, keeping the due dates and deliverables for each program in mind is challenging. ODE staff continue to work hard on long-term efforts to improve our processes and communication.
A new resource has been developed, as a bit of a pilot, for a handful of programs housed within the Office of Education Innovation and Improvement. They have developed a biennial cycle calendar with the purpose of sharing with school and district leaders a two-year snapshot of due dates and key activities for these programs. The programs represented by this biennial cycle are: High School Success, Student Investment Account, ESSA Partnership, and Early Indicators and Intervention System.
We recognize this is far from a comprehensive gathering of all the grant programs available from the Oregon Department of Education. Still, we hope this will be a valuable tool as you continue to implement programs and serve the students and families in your community. If you have any questions on this resource, please email SIAInfo@ode.state.or.us.
SIA Reporting Office HoursThe SIA team is hosting October office hours to support grantees in the completion of their SIA reporting dashboards for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 school years. October 31st, 2021 marks the First Quarter Report deadline for the current school year 2021-2022 and November 30, 2021 marks the Period 3 and Annual Report deadline for those with a summer extension from last school year 2020-2021. Therefore, during the month of October we will be providing technical assistance on both reporting dashboards during office hours.
Please note that additional November office hours sessions will be made available to continue supporting grantee questions about the 2020-2021 Period 3 and Annual Progress Reporting.
Q: My district sponsors a charter who applied for SIA funds with the district. How do they report their expenditures?
A: Most charter schools applying with a district will report on their own individual reporting dashboards for 2021-22. Please note that these reporting dashboard links will be sent to the district points of contact provided in the SIA Plan Update process. If you are a district sponsoring a charter, please make sure to forward the charter's reporting dashboard link to the appropriate contacts. If you have questions about how your charter will complete quarterly progress reports, please reach out to SIAinfo@state.or.us
Racism experienced inside and outside of school is a major source of stress affecting the mental health and well-being of student focal groups. Beverly Daniel Tatum explains how these impacts become more deeply-felt and experienced as students move into middle and high schools where messages about who belongs, who academic success is “for,” and what it means to be a member of their race, ethnicity, and culture become more pronounced.
Particularly in racially mixed high schools where observable patterns of White student over-representation in advanced courses occur, Black, Indigenous and adolescents of color often conclude that academic achievement is a White domain. When faced with exclusion, obstacles to opportunity, and devaluing messages due simply to who they are, focal students may academically disengage while employing coping mechanisms to buffer detrimental psychological impacts. Tatum argues that these coping mechanisms are aligned to healthy identity development and that, when effectively harnessed, can both promote focal student mental health while also effectively engaging them in academic achievement:
System and Support Interventions to Promote Psychological Safety and Academic Engagement
- Assess the culture of academic opportunity, policy, practice and curriculum to identify messages that reinforce the notion that academic excellence is largely a White domain
- Once identified, transform policy and practice to ensure multicultural representation in successes and achievements
- Build the critical consciousness of students to analyze stereotypical and oppressive representations of people of color, females, gender non-conforming, etc. to buffer and counteract messages of social inferiority
- Provide avenues for focal student psychological safety (affinity groups, mentorships, etc.)
- Build capacity for focal students to develop an identity that demonstrates and models success for all within their racial, ethnic, and cultural group
- Counteract stereotype threat--fear that underperformance will confirm racial stereotypes which interferes with the ability to demonstrate true competency--by communicating high expectations, showing confidence in their ability to reach expectations (“wise criticism”) and teaching that intelligence is not fixed, but developed, and improved over time and with effort
Please send any questions or comments to SIAInfo@state.or.us.
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