ESSER Team Updates
Thank you for your continued leadership through this time as we navigate the complexities of our environment. As you know, the U.S. Department of Education outlined a series of requirements to receive the ESSER III funds, which include a timeline for districts to submit their ESSER III plans. ODE recognizes that many districts are still in the early stages of planning with their ESSER III funds and will not have a fully developed plan by the October 20 deadline. In our upcoming sessions, we will walk through the flexibilities and scaffolds ODE has built into the ESSER III District Plan template so it can support where you are in the planning process.
- The next ESSER III District Plan Q & A is scheduled for Friday, September 24 from 11 am-12 pm. The focus of our meeting will be on the basics of ESSER III and the ESSER III District Plan. If you are farther into your planning process and have specific questions, we will be answering questions in the Zoom chat. You may also enter your questions in this ESSER III District Plan Q & A Sessions form (revised to allow you to add specific questions). We will provide a written response through an FAQ or follow up with you directly, if needed.
- Save these dates! We will also be adding more resources - watch the ESSER website for updates:
- Friday, September 24, 11 am - 12 pm (Zoom link)
- Wednesday, September 29, 3-4 pm (Zoom link)
- Tuesday, October 5, 3-4 pm (Zoom link)
- Wednesday, October 13, 3-4 pm (Zoom link)
- Monday, October 18, 11 am-12 pm (Zoom link)
- Please fill out this survey and let us know what you need us to focus on in our online sessions and tools: ESSER III District Plan Q & A Sessions form
- Reminder, ESSER III District Plans are Due October 20, 2021. The ESSER III website has resources for filling out the ESSER III District Plan including:
Please submit any questions regarding the ESSER III District Plan to the ESSER inbox at Thank you!