2021-2022 SIA Progress Reporting
We are happy to release SIA Progress Report Guidance and the SIA Progress Report Template for the 2021-2022 school year! Similar to the Annual Report, we wanted to provide you with a template and guidance now so you are able to start thinking about how you will respond to these reporting questions in your first quarterly submission, due October 31, 2021.
Similar to last year, your reports will be submitted through a Customized Smartsheet Reporting Dashboard. Individual links to your reporting dashboard for the 2021-22 school year will be released October 1, 2021.
As you look over the documents, you’ll notice much of the progress report remains the same. However, there are a couple key changes to note:
- We’ve combined the Strategies & Activities section and Tracking Expenses section into one section. This was done in an effort to streamline the process and ensure a tighter connection between activity progress and expenditures.
- We’ve adjusted the Journaling Progress questions slightly, and have developed more robust guidance to help support grantees in completing this portion of the quarterly report.
- The ODE team will work to pre-populate the following columns for all grantees:
- Strategies
- Aligned Primary Strategy
- Activity Number
- Activity
- 2021-2022 Budgeted Cost
- Allowable Use Category
- Object Code
Grant recipients will need to complete the following sections for each quarterly report:
- Progress Notes
- Progress Rating
- Monies Spent
- Journaling Progress
Additionally, the first quarter report will require a slightly more significant lift than in subsequent quarters in two areas:
- 2021-2022 Budgeted Cost
- This column is pre-populated based on budgets that were completed using preliminary allocation amounts. Now that allocations are finalized, many grantees need to update their budgets to align with their actual allocation. Grantees will have the opportunity to update their budget during the first quarter report, but will not be required to continually update their budget with each subsequent report.
- FTE Type
- For any activity that includes FTE, grantees will need to select an FTE Type that aligns with the position. Once completed during the first quarter report, grantees will not need to adjust this column moving forward, unless they make changes to their plan that impact FTE.
One final thing to note is that our grant agreements/amendments for the 21-23 biennium are currently under review by the Department of Justice. We do not have a projected release date for those grant agreements/amendments at this time, but are hopeful they will be out in the near future. First quarter reports should include any spending against the grantee’s 2021-2022 SIA allocation that occurred July-September, regardless of when the grant agreements are sent out.
If you have any questions, please reach out to the SIA Team via SIAinfo@state.or.us.
Q: What should the board minutes attached to my Annual Report responses show?
A: Building on an FAQ from a previous SIA Message, board minutes should show that your completed SIA Annual Report was presented as an item available for public comment (not as a consent agenda item) to your governing board. The SIA Annual Report does not need to be approved by the governing board, but again, must be presented in an open meeting as an item available for public comment. Additionally, the board minutes must be submitted to ODE via your reporting dashboard (Line 6 in the Annual Questions section), and posted on your website.
Please send any questions or comments to SIAInfo@state.or.us.
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