Third Period Progress & Annual Reporting Office Hours
As a reminder, the SIA team continues to host office hours to support grantees in the completion of the Third Period Progress Report and Annual Report. Here, we have opened up additional sessions for the month of September which are designed to address individual grantee questions and provide technical assistance on the reporting dashboard. Below, you will find links to register for upcoming office hours. Please note, additional dates will become available as the November 30th due date--for those with summer extension--approaches.
Q: How do I update my budget now that we know final allocation amounts?
A: During the first quarter progress report window (October 1-October 31, 2021), grant recipients will have the opportunity to update their budget to reflect their final allocation amount. Additional information regarding the first quarter progress report will be released in a special SIA message next week, but we encourage you to begin thinking about how you will adjust your budget now. As a reminder, allocation amounts are posted on the SIA Website, and linked below:
Resources We’re Excited About
At least one million children in the U.S. have experienced some form of trauma, constituting a much higher rate than comparable countries with universal health care, livable wage, paid parental leave, and high-quality child care systems. This context thrusts U.S. schools onto the frontlines of mental health care with the SIA aptly recognizing this vital student and community health need in its design and allowable use areas (Improving Student Health & Safety, Ongoing Community Engagement, Well Rounded Education, Reducing Class Size, and Increased Instructional Time).
Everyday student behaviors (anger, fatigue, irritability, alienation, panic, etc.) can be signs of trauma. So how do we know when trauma is the underlying issue of student behavior? By first creating the conditions for the underlying issues to emerge through relationship building, we will be better able to respond and support students' needs once trauma is shared. And creating these conditions supports all students by bringing a Trauma Informed Lens that establishes environments of healing, care, and connection to needed assistance.
Building relationships has the power to spur healing from trauma:
“Start every day with a clean slate:” Not every student has adults that they can trust in their lives. Create the opportunity for students to feel safe enough to trust adults by providing logical, calm, and neutral responses to situations.
“There’s got to be a reason:” When everyday student behaviors emerge, transform them from “disciplinary” situations to opportunities to better understand what is occurring--or even not working--for students. For example, a student pacing around the classroom could have a heightened concern for safety as a result of trauma, or the underlying issue of a student withdrawing from teachers and peers could feel unseen and unheard.
Being responsive when students share trauma:
Affirm Students’ Emotional Truth: Focusing on a student’s emotional experience, as opposed to the details of what occurred, allows the student to begin the healing process
Practice Self Care: Emotionally ground yourself through personal healing practices that allow you to sufficiently support students
Know Your Role and Capacity: Ask the student what they need to feel supported, what works for them when they are struggling, and how you can help them be successful. If a student’s needs exceed your capacity, with student and family permission, enlist the next tier of support (social workers, psychologists).
Please send any questions or comments to
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