ESSA Partnership Districts August 2021 Update

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

This August Update includes important information for ESSA Partnership districts, districts with schools identified as CSI or TSI.

Tydings Waiver:  In response to Oregon’s recent request to waive certain federal requirements as result of ongoing challenges of COVID-19, the specific subgrant titled ESSA Partnerships 19-20 Supplement has been extended to close on September 30, 2022. Updates to the closing date should soon appear in EGMS.

The budgeting and claim tool previously shared has been updated to include the extended ESSA Partnerships 19-20 Supplement end date and also includes specific allocations and associated end dates for ESSA subgrants for 20-21 and 21-22.  The previously shared 21-22 allocations were preliminary, but are now final.  Districts should also note that the ESSA Partnerships 19-20 subgrant closes next month on September 30, 2021 and was not extended under the current waiver.  Each district’s specific allocations can be found by selecting the district name in the tool’s Information tab.

As a process reminder, all ESSA Partnership claims made in EGMS should be accompanied by submission of the budgeting and claim tool, describing the specific activities being claimed against and documenting alignment to larger district and/or school improvement strategies.  The tool is submitted via the form linked in the final tab.  ODE staffers will verify claim description and alignment evidenced in the tool before approving associated claims in EGMS.  Although districts may have described claims using earlier versions of the tool we ask that moving forward submissions utilize the updated tool linked in this message and on the web page.

As communicated in a previous Update this spring, Oregon will continue to support previously identified CSI/TSI schools via district-level allocations through the 21-22 school year.