Survey: Support and Alignment with Governor Brown’s Executive Order 21-06

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Oregon Department of Education - Oregon achieves - together

To:        Superintendents and Charter School Leaders
Date:    March 12, 2021
From:  Colt Gill, Director of the Oregon Department of Education
RE:      Survey: Support and Alignment with Governor Brown’s Executive Order 21-06
            Survey is due by 5:00 PM, Monday, March 15, 2021

Earlier today Governor Brown released Executive Order 21-06

Section 3.a. states, “Not later than the week of March 29, 2021 for grades K-5, and the week of April 19 for grades 6-12, all public schools in Oregon shall be in operation to deliver educational services through either a hybrid instructional model or an on-site instructional model. After those dates, it will no longer be an option for public schools to exclusively offer comprehensive distance learning.”

Today you and the Weekly Status Update Submitter for your district will receive a survey for each school in your district. Please have one person respond for your district by 5:00 PM, Monday, March 15, 2021. You will be able to share if your schools are already operating fully On-Site or Hybrid Instructional Models, or if you plan to by the dates named above, or if you meet one of the general allowances noted within the survey (and below).

The purpose of the survey is to understand your district’s alignment to the Governor’s Order. The primary use of this information will be to support your district to come into compliance with the Governor’s Order. The data has two additional uses: (1) to inform the Governor of compliance with the Order and (2) to prepare for any required enforcement action under the Executive Order. This information may be made available to the public and media. 

Any school not meeting the requirements set forth by the Governor’s Executive Order will be reviewed. Not complying with the Governor’s Order may result in loss of eligibility to receive state school funds or other enforcement as prescribed by Governor Brown’s Executive Order 21-06.

ODE Leadership will call you during the week of March 15, 2021 to better understand your situation and offer support as we are able if:

  • Your district identifies school(s) in your district that will not be in alignment with the Governor’s Order by the dates named in the Order, and
  • Your district indicates that these school(s) do not meet the general allowances below, or
  • Your district does not respond to the survey by 5:00 PM, Monday, March 15, 2021.

General Allowances Include:

  • A general allowance will be provided if the school has a plan that has been communicated to families and staff with a student start date one week after the Governor’s Order and is using the prior week to train staff for a return to in-person instruction.
  • A general allowance will be provided if the school has a published calendar that shows they are not in session the week stated in the Governor’s Order.
  • A general allowance will be provided if your school is closed to in-person instruction due to a decision made in partnership with a local public health authority or the Oregon Health Authority to move to Comprehensive Distance Learning to address active transmission within a school. 

If you have technical questions regarding the survey please contact Blake Whitson at If you have general questions please continue to use the ODE COVID-19 inbox

The Ready Schools, Safe Learners (RSSL) guidance is being updated to reflect changes made by the Governor’s Executive Order. We expect to release the update as soon as the afternoon of Monday, March 15, 2021 and no later than midday on Tuesday, March 16, 2021. 

Note: Below you’ll see a screenshot of what you and your Weekly Status Update Submitter will see in your inbox. You may need to check email filters to locate the message depending on your settings. 

survey screenshot