Date: February 19, 2021
To: Superintendents, Principals, Charter School Leaders, Private School Leaders
From: Colt Gill, Director of the Oregon Department of Education
RE: Update to Ready Schools, Safe Learners Guidance and Supports
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) is releasing an update to the Ready Schools, Safe Learners (RSSL) guidance. Small changes and patches include:
- Further establishing that RSSL guidance is what schools follow when or if there are contradictions with other sources, including the CDC.
- Adding requirements for the OHA school-based antigen testing program previously released by email.
- Further clarification on cohorting.
- Reinforcing the understanding that face coverings are required during recess.
- Updating transportation requirements to conform with a Federal CDC order.
ODE is actively working with the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to fully review new U.S. Department of Education and CDC guidance released last week. Once complete, this may result in additional updates.
Along with the updated RSSL, ODE is also sharing a newly revised version of "Planning for COVID-19 Scenarios in Schools." An updated, accessible version of the Operational Blueprint template is also available on the Ready Schools, Safe Learners webpage.
Finally, ODE and OHA have collaborated on an interactive tool highlighting Oregon schools’ operating status. This dashboard displays a school’s current instructional model and ODE’s current school in-person recommendations based on COVID-19 case counts, rates, and test positivity by county. The dashboard also highlights how many and which schools are operating under each instructional model.
This tool enables Oregonians to quickly see what instructional model their school is following and the county’s in-person operation recommendations.
Search for schools by county or using the school name. If you search by county unselect all before selecting the county you wish to view, and the map will zoom into that county. Scroll over the school you are interested in to get more information or refer to the table below the map.
Please continue to use the ODE COVID-19 inbox for additional questions. Thank you for your collaboration!