Our team recognizes that the early implementation efforts of the SIA have mostly been out of sight - dwarfed by COVID-19. Districts and charters have listened, applied an equity lens, and prioritized the needs and visions held in their communities over the past year. What is essential now is that districts, schools, and ODE find the will to keep churning through the relentless dynamics of COVID-19, sustained and systemic racism, and the operational hurdles that can make such vital work seem harder to realize.
Today we are releasing the Supporting Quality Implementation guidance, which names the work ahead, providing a clear picture of how we’ve reduced administrative burden while keeping our focus on what is most important. Specifically, this guidance details the progress and annual reporting requirements and the process for SIA plan updates in response to the release of the full application cycle. It is not a standalone document, but rather builds on the larger SIA guidance released in December 2019. Still, those familiar with SIA implementation should find this document useful as the best way to track what is needed, by when, by whom to continue to live into our shared responsibilities for this year.
We recognize we’re releasing this guidance right before a break, which we know is very much needed for you all given the last 9 months have been an exhaustive marathon in COVID response. We hope that you’ll enjoy your breaks if you’re taking them and not feel obligated to focus on this guidance during that time. However, given the guidance has been finalized, we wanted to go ahead and release it for those who will find relief in getting a clearer picture of the SIA for this year. Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have about the new guidance once you’ve had a chance to read and process the information for this year. Please send questions to the SIAinfo@state.or.us inbox.
We hope you enjoy a rejuvenating break and we will resume our SIA weekly messages on Friday, January 8, 2021.
Q: Our district will no longer be spending what we anticipated on a particular activity within our original budget. Should we submit an amendment or updated budget to the SIA team?
A: There is no requirement to amend plans and budgets as a result of variances in expenditures as long as the spending remains within the scope of the proposed plan activities and not being diverted to new unrelated activities. Grant recipients will account for these variances within the first financial progress report.
![SIA lightbulb icon](https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/fancy_images/ORED/2020/01/3114038/2954486/sia-lightbulb-icon_crop.png) |
Please send any questions or comments to SIAInfo@state.or.us.
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