This week, we have two noteworthy updates:
SIA Progress Markers
ODE is pleased to share the SIA Progress Markers framework for the Foundational Year.
In the recent special session, the Legislature created increased flexibility for the administration of the SIA in Section 70 of HB 4304 which releases, for one year only, all SIA applicants from needing to develop or track Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGTs) while naming that ODE can develop other applicable performance growth targets and indicators of progress.
A singular set of progress markers has been developed for the 2020-21 school year integrating the kinds of changes ODE believes could advance each of the “Common Metrics” in the SIA long-term. The progress markers are a mechanism to support a developmental approach to evaluation with a focus on learning about the kinds of changes that happen from distinct investments. ODE is committed to implementing a learning stance for monitoring and evaluation and will provide additional technical assistance to school districts on progress markers while they are navigating this unprecedented school year and learning from what is unfolding.
The Progress Markers framework for the foundational year of the Student Investment Account (SIA) was developed through rounds of engagement with leading experts in each common metric, including practitioners, and policy advocates. It has been further refined to adjust for the significant impacts associated with the ongoing public health crisis caused by COVID-19 and to integrate how schools will approach their core responsibilities in the 2020-21 school year.
It is worth repeating. The Longitudinal Performance Growth Target framework is released for the 2020-21 school year.
Plan and Budget Amendment Process Updates
Yesterday, the State Board of Education adopted temporary rules that allow the SIA to move forward with the SIA plan and budget amendment process as previously outlined. If your district or eligible charter school needs to create a new SIA plan in light of the reduction of funding or shifting needs of your community, you will need to submit your plan and budget amendment via the Amended SIA Grant Application form by Thursday, October 15. The simplified amendment process was designed to honor all of the work and effort you put into your original SIA application, while also providing additional information on your new direction. You will need to submit three components as part of the amendment process:
1) an updated SIA plan detailing the new activities, strategies, and outcomes;
2) an updated budget using the required budget template, using the updated required budget template; and
3) board meeting minutes documenting the opportunity for public comment and approval of the updated plan.
Q: Once I receive my grant agreement, what are the next steps I need to take before it can be fully executed?
A: Great question! As you might recall from the SIA guidance, there are a few steps that need to be taken once you’ve met all of the application requirements and have received your grant agreement:
- Make the grant agreement available at the main office and post on the website;
- Allow for public comment on the grant agreement at an open meeting; and
- Share the grant agreement at an open meeting and receive approval by the local school board (i.e. not a consent agenda item).
Once you’ve taken these steps, you will need to sign and return the grant agreement to ODE for full execution. Next week, we will be releasing more information about how you’ll receive your initial grant agreement and submit your fully executed grant agreement.
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