ODE has received 22 SIA Grant Applications since the submission window opened March 2, 2020. All of the applications received have been:
- Assigned an ODE Application Manager who will steward the review process.
- Assigned to two ODE Reviewers to complete the application review and make an assessment in preparation for the Quality Assurance and Learning Panel.
- Posted to ODE’s SIA Grant Application webpage.
All applicants are required to include a website link in the SIA Grant Application Google Form indicating where their SIA Grant Application is posted and available for the public. Upon initial receipt of each application, ODE staff check the website link provided to ensure the webpage is accurate and information posted.
Yesterday, Governor Brown issued guidelines for workplaces, schools, care facilities, and other community-wide mitigation efforts and announced statewide school closures from March 16-31 to help protect vulnerable and high-risk Oregonians and to protect our state’s health care system capacity. In response, the SIA team is considering this direction and the impact COVID-19 may have on the SIA application requirements and processes. We anticipate sharing an update early next week.
Q: What is the process for co-development of longitudinal performance growth targets?
A: ODE has released guidance and two webinars to help applicants develop DRAFT longitudinal performance growth targets that are to be submitted as part of the SIA Grant Application. Once an application is: 1) reviewed and assessed by ODE Reviewers; 2) presented to a Quality Assurance and Learning Panel; and 3) determined to meet requirements or meets requirements with small changes, then co-development will be initiated. In light of recent events, we are finalizing the logistics -- including what co-development will look like (i.e. where co-development will take place, how, and with what structure and process). ODE will bring together (in Salem or virtually) teams of experts to conduct multiple days of review of the draft longitudinal performance growth targets. Those convenings will include review and consultation (virtually or by phone) with each applicant. More information will be forthcoming.