The 2019-21 Oregon Math Content panel work as started with over 110 panelists from across the state. Panelist work in 12 grade level groups each facilitated with the assistance of two co-chairs. Thirty co-chairs met in August 2019 to start the work of our standards review, with panelists working at this time to ground their work in common learning experiences.
The content panel's review and revision of the standards is scheduled to occur between November 2019 and March 2020 when co-chairs will meet again to pull together drafts from across teams.
A public release of draft standards for feedback is currently scheduled in April 2020.
Please plan on taking advantage of reviewing and providing feedback on the draft standards between April and July 2020. This could include completing individual surveys to organizing formal reviews from schools, districts, or ESD regions. You can contact Mark Freed, ODE Math Specialist, if you have any questions or would like updates on the review process this school year.
As part of the work supporting the content panel, ODE will be hosting a webinar session on Attending to Focus and Coherence: Lunch Session with Jason Zimba on Friday, October 11 from 12:00-1:30 Pacific.
Make lunch plans to connect on October 11 to lean more from Jason Zimba including resources from Student Achievement Partners such as Major Work of the Grade and the Math Coherence Map.
Registration link is provided below, and let Mark Freed know if you have any questions.
The 2019 Northwest Mathematics Conference will be held Thursday, October 10th through Saturday, October 12th, 2019 at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Come and learn about their overall theme of Inclusion and Diversity. The sessions and workshops will include many with a focus on technology and STEAM education. |
This conference brings together mathematics teachers from all levels of primary, secondary, and undergraduate education to learn and share about mathematics and pedagogy, including ODE staff Mark Freed, Tom Thompson, and Andy Byerely. If you have interest in connecting with other educators from Oregon, then let Mark Freed know your interest to connect at NWMC.
On Wednesday morning, October 16, Mark Freed and Tom Thompson will be presenting at the Southern Oregon ESD. This morning workshop will share the vision of the Oregon Math Project to strengthen mathematical rigor of K-12 math instruction while also transforming student experiences so all learners experience the joy, beauty, and wonder of mathematics. |
Learn how the work of revising state math standards will support all students having access to high-quality mathematics instruction that includes connecting content expectations to contextualized applications that support all students to succeed in mathematics at every level. Please contact Nancy Hayes at SOESD at if you have questions about this workshop.
If you have interest in hosting a similar workshop in your region this school year, then contact Mark Freed at to see if we can find a date and time that works for your region.
The Oregon Math TOSA meeting seeks to connect administrators, coaches, and Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSAs) responsible for math instruction at a district level with others from across the state. Quarterly meetings provide a chance for district staff to connect, collaborate, and share projects across districts. The next meeting will be on October 22 in Salem, OR. For more information, please contact Laura Lethe, Secondary Math Specialist at Salem-Keizer School District at
In the coming months, ODE staff will be working on create a newsletter focused on a theme and highlighting work occurring in our state. This includes highlighting work happen in districts to improve math instruction.
If you have ideas for stories, or know of schools and districts doing outstanding work, then feel free to let Mark Freed know and we’ll see if it works to include in a future edition.