Finding Help When Needed
When your first AASHTOWare Project contract gets started, we’ll set up regular meetings with you to discuss your progress.
We offer a Live Chat that meets from 9:00 a.m. to 12 Noon Monday through Friday on workdays to get specific help with AWP and your contract. And we’re always available by email!
Here are some other things to keep in mind as you take on your first contract.
OregonBuys – Primes and Subcontractors
All companies doing business for the state of Oregon must be registered in OregonBuys. Did you know that Primes’ and Subcontractors’ companies working on ODOT AASHTOWare Project contracts need to be registered in OregonBuys? We cannot add you to the contract until your company has created an account.
If you are a Prime contractor or a subcontractor working for the state of Oregon, check to be sure you have an OregonBuys account for your company. You can do it even if you haven’t been awarded your first AWP contract.
New to OregonBuys? Supplier Registration Instructions
- Go to OregonBuys.
- Click the Supplier Registration button.
- Complete the form for your company.
- Click on Register for it to be sent.
Verify that “Doing Work with ODOT” is checked.
- Log into your account as the Seller Administrator.
- Go to Maintain Organization Information
- Choose the Terms & Categories tab
- Under Categories & Certifications check Yes to “Do you currently, have you in the past, or do you plan to work with Oregon Department of Transportation or Department of Aviation?” (See example below.)
- Save and Exit Button to apply the changes.
 Until you have completed your company‘s supplier account registration, AWP training and access will be delayed.
If you need help reviewing or updating your OregonBuys account, please contact OregonBuys Supplier Support at 1-855-800-5046 or by email at support.oregonbuys@das.oregon.gov.
Training for Everyone
Once you get your first AWP contract, we’ll set up an in-person training with the RE Office or Consultant, Prime contractor, Subcontractors and Technicians. We train you based on the job that you do. We have assigned roles for how you’ll work in AWP. You can see a list of roles on our AWP website. Click on the Role Definition link on the home page.
Before you attend training, you will need to complete the Getting Started course. This is a 15-minute required course. Each person taking training and working in AWP must complete this course. (See the next article for details.)
Have you been scheduled for AWP training?
Still don’t have an AWP contract at your office?
Getting Started. Take the Getting Started course in Workday before training. It is a prerequisite for all the computer-based trainings (CBTs) and for all in-person training! (External Users: You’ll need to have a Workday account to view a CBT. You also need your account for any new CBT you take. Internal ODOT users have single sign-on access.)
Pick your roles. Once you have a contract, have someone from your office send the Access form for your entire staff. Check with your RE or PM for role assignments. This needs to be completed before training.
Need Assistance? Are our Live Chat, CBTs, and QRGs not giving you what you need? Feel free to email us! A Sys Admin team member will reply to you with help with your issue.
 Last spring, the qualified products list (QPL) search had a facelift that will work directly with AWP. But you can use it now, even if you do not have a project in AWP. You can also use it on any DocExpress only job.
It’s different than our old QPL search. There are many ways to view a product you’ll need on your contract. You can search using any material, manufacturer, category, or product name. The search is very responsive and quick. You can also print the results individually or export an entire list of your results.
If you haven’t noticed the link yet on our Qualified Products webpage, look it over at: https://oregondot-pr-prod.infotechinc.com/Custom/qpl.
For more details, contact Dean Chess, ODOT Product Evaluation Coordinator.
Sometimes, your search can provide TOO MUCH data!
Just like in Doc Express, AWP has a way to make your search more selective. Use the Advanced setting to narrow results with a filter or sort. You can save this for later or "apply without saving" to use one time.
Learn how to streamline your searches in AWP. Check out the Sort & Filter Using Advanced Filters QRG to assist you.
We know we've said it before. Now, as we're nearing the end, we can’t stop singing your praises. Over 100 people have contributed to the creation of AWP at ODOT. You have been a part of our implementation process for over 4 years. Sometime those years felt very long but now it seems to have gone by so quickly.
The word “grateful” doesn't seem big enough to cover how much we appreciate each one of you! We wish a joyful and rest filled holiday season to you and your loved ones,.
 Work in AWP is role-based. Can’t find what you are looking for? Are you in the right role? Use the arrow on the right side of the Home button. Select your role from the dropdown menu. Some will have only one role available while others may have multiple roles in AWP.