AASHTOWare Project Newsletter - August 2024

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August 2024

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AASHTOWare Project Has Started

Track Starting Line

ODOT’s AWP implementation has begun with the Construction & Materials and Civil Rights & Labor modules. New construction projects are beginning in AASHTOWare Project one at a time. Consider it more as a marathon rather than a sprint.

We’ve learned a lot already! Think of what we’ll know in just a few months. As we work in AWP, we’ll continue to enhance the system and our processes.

We’ve been working together to improve ODOT’s ability to innovate. Now, there will be a world of data available for better reporting. With AWP, we’re also replacing many of our agency’s end-of-life systems.

Your managers are proud of all you’ve accomplished and ready to see this in action. ODOT’s customers report they’re ready to go!


1st AWP Training a Success!

Bend Training Staff Celebrate

In mid-July, we joined the Bend RE staff at their offices. Our in-person training event included our first contractor, Marcum and Sons, and their subcontractors. Infotech, Inc., our partners in building AWP for ODOT, led the training sessions. The AWP Sys Admin team and subject matter experts were present to learn how to lead future training events.

We’re very happy with the outcome. We learned many ways to improve our training materials. We discovered things to make training smoother for future events. All in all, we’ve gotten off to a terrific start!

On our last full day together, the AWP Sys Admin team and the ITI Trainers celebrated at a local restaurant. We’re looking forward to our August training for our next two AWP contracts at the Portland RE office with Crew 1823 and Consor Engineering, Inc.

Steven Behrmann (Infotech, Inc.), DJ Smith (RAS), Lynda Nelmes (AWP Sys Admin) celebrating the completion of our first training event in Bend.

IMPORTANT: OregonBuys News

OregonBuys Logo

Primes, Subcontractors and Consultants

As we start adding primes and subcontractors to our projects in AWP, we have found many companies are not currently registered, or may have missed an important step. OregonBuys Instruction and Guides. OregonBuys Login.

If you haven’t registered, choose Register for a Supplier Account. It is important to check the ODOT/Aviation check box! If you have registered, please review your account to verify that you have checked the ODOT/Aviation check box!

Any company doing business with the state of Oregon must be registered in OregonBuys. Your company is required to have a registration in OregonBuys to work in AWP with ODOT. This includes subcontractors and vendors. (Primes, please help facilitate OregonBuys registration with your subcontractors and vendors.)


Find It Online

AWP Nails

Have you seen our new AWP website?

Now that we have live projects starting with AWP, we want to be sure you know that the AWP ODOT Internet page is available.

What can you find there?

  • General information about ODOT’s AWP modules.
  • Training links for computer-based trainings (CBTs) and quick reference guides (QRGs).
  • Resources for Payroll, Super Users and more.
  • Link to the AASHTOWare Directory (AWD) to provide helpful information as you move into AWP.

Super User Lajuana Kelley (RAS) shows just how dedicated she is to AWP!


Training Resources for You

Compass with Quote

Let’s be honest. At some point you’re going to need some assistance working on your ODOT contract in AASHTOWare Project. Whether you like to discover your own answers from our resources, or if you need an ODOT expert to walk you to a solution, we’re ready to help. We’ve got you covered!

Computer based training (CBTs) and quick reference guides (QRGs)
The same training tools you used in your in-person training are available online on the AWP website.

  1. Click the Training button and then select your module from these 4 choices: Estimation, Civil Rights, Construction, Materials. From the list, choose your role to discover links to Workday for the CBTs. These simulations walk you through processes for your role. If you’ve taken the CBT, you can repeat it without starting from the beginning. Click Retake course, then click the link for View Course Again. Select any subject from the left side list in the CBT to review just a section of the process.
  2. Are you an external user? You’ll need to have a Workday account to view a CBT. You also need your account for any new CBT you take.
  3. For QRGs, click the Training button and then select the module (Estimation, Civil Rights, Construction, Materials). From the module's list of roles, choose yours. Review the list of QRGs and select a specific process. These pdfs can be downloaded to your computer to view later, printed and kept at your desk, or whatever works best for you. Use them to become confident with the steps.

AASHTOWare Project Directory (AWD)
Use the AWD link under Resources to learn what gets uploaded into Doc Express in the new AWP drawer structure and what is now data entered into AWP. AWP records data, but we still have items that are not data-related including plans, forms, and more staying in Doc Express. And, by the way, every AWP process has a link to the helpful QRG included.

Super Users
Super users are confident, early adopters who are enthusiastic system users. Check out this list to see if one is available near you…maybe even in your own office. They know your contract and processes because they’re using AWP right now. (Interested in being a super user? Let us know!)

Teams AWP Chatline “Go Live Support”
Still can’t find the answer to your question? The system admin team offers a chance to speak to a live person and work through your specific AWP issue. An open Teams chat is available between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. We’ll discuss your issue and walk you through the process step by step. If we cannot answer your question, we will forward you to an ODOT subject matter expert to make sure you get the specific answer to your question. You'll need to request access on your first visit, but you’ll be able to drop in whenever you need, after that. Here’s the link to the Chatline.


Your Turn's Coming Soon!

Line Number Ticket

When it’s time to take training for your first AWP contract, we’ll notify your office and send the training details. Your office will submit a group access form including your staff members who should be trained and their roles, on one form. Primes will include their staff members on their list, as well as subcontractors, vendors and technicians for this contract. At this time, individuals do NOT have to complete the access form online.

STEP 1: Time to take training for your contract? Watch for training details to be sent to these key members of your team from the AWP Sys Admin group:

  • RE Office: RE, ARE and the Contract Admin Specialist
  • Consultants: Project Manager
  • Prime Contractor: Owner

STEP 2: Identify the AWP the users on your staff.

  • Determine who needs AWP training.
  • Create a list with each person’s name, email address and role(s) required in AWP..
  • Submit the list to AWPadmin@odot.oregon.gov.

STEP 3: Complete the remaining pre-training items with your staff. For external users (Consultants, Contractors, Subcontractors, etc.), each staff member working in AWP needs to create an account in Workday, our learning management system. If you do not have one, create one here. Then, completion of the Getting Started course is required to access the training CBTs for any role in Workday. 

STEP 4: Primes and subcontractors, make sure your company is registered in OregonBuys. When registering, select the ODOT/Aviation checkbox. We cannot provide access to your contract until you complete this step. See the article above for links to OregonBuys.


Questions? Comments?

Contact us and let us know.

Check out our website at

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