The APOST Times Newsletter - July 2024

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July 2024

Introducing the AWP ODOT Website

AWP logo

It’s here! We’re finally going live with ASHTOWare Project! Training begins for our first contract’s users next week. If that is not your contract, you will have one coming up very soon.

To make the transition to AASHTOWare Project easier, we have launched our AWP internet site! You can find access information, training details, resources and module descriptions. We will be populating the website as we continue our AWP journey.


The Countdown Is Over


We are ready to launch AWP!

I want to take this time to thank all the people who made this project happen over the past 4 years. Some spent a few hours, some thousands, and some have moved on to other jobs and companies, but all involved have contributed to this moment. We could not have made it without you. Being able to come together, voice opinions, concerns, new ideas and, in the end, come to consensus without being seriously disgruntled doesn’t always happen. I applaud your professionalism during this huge change, you are an amazing group.

As we head out to train in Bend next week, we look forward to starting the next step of this project as we share the tool with construction offices, consultants, civil rights, primes, and subcontractor’s staff. While we are moving into the next phase, we are still wrapping up some reports and agency views that are being finalized, but not required, for go-live. Infotech will always be here to support us, but our project contract has them working on these pieces until January to complete the training handoff, wrap up final deliverables, and closeout.

Thank you all for picking up the theme of our project mascot, the Coyote. You have been agile and adaptable to change. I look forward to seeing you all in the field, training, sharing laughter, and being here to support you as we move forward with the deployment.

Vanessa Baker, e-Construction Project Manager

Excellence Awards: Take a Bow

Excellence Award Quote

APOST Project Team

Throughout the last 4+ years, there have been over 150 people involved in the implementation of AWP. That's a big project team! Some have been working on the project for over four years, some have come and gone as needed.

We want to acknowledge the project team. It has included:

  • Infotech – Over 30 project managers, liaisons, developers, and technical experts.
  • ODOT – Over 100 subject matter experts, the project core team, subcommittee team leads and members, technical experts, testers, steering committee members, impacted individuals and groups. This also includes members from our Communication Unit, Information Services, Strategic Improvement in Project Delivery, Financial Services, Climate Control and ODOT Procurement.
  • External consultants – Over 20 external consultants collaborating in subcommittee team meetings, testing and participating in pilot projects.
  • Public Knowledge – Six quality assurance specialists.
  • External labs
  • Primes
  • B2G Now
  • FHWA

Thank you! Through all your contributions, this is your project, too. And it’s an incredible example of what can be created when teams work together.


Vanessa Baker, e-Construction Project Manager

During the course of any large effort, there are people who step-up and stand out as super stars. But what do you do when a person comes to your organization and changes the world?

Vanessa Baker is one of these people. She came to ODOT to help modernize our processes within the construction section. She ended up being the project manager on one of the largest Technology projects in all of Operations, the APOST project. APOST not only affects Operations but reaches out to change other Divisions within and external to ODOT. Over the past 4 years, Vanessa has been quick to point out others as super stars, but she has never pulled the spotlight toward herself.

In an unprecedented time in world history, when many were just trying to stay connected, she was able keep our world moving forward. During the 2020 pandemic, Vanessa was able to work with all parts of the organization and our vendors to ensure the project work continued on-track. This required some out of the box thinking and quick contract changes to allow our contractors to stay in contact with our teams. This was done when many in the industry were just trying to keep staff connected.

Vanessa also understands that the key to any project is communication. This was never more important than during the start of the remote work because of the pandemic. The changes in communications implemented during this time were shared with other groups, even within other agencies, so others could stay connected as well. The effort in this area paid off! It allowed for better understanding of all involved, from project leadership making the decisions to the analysts gathering the data requirements. On most projects this is a rare feat!

The APOST team would say that, as a result of her endeavors, we have had to reset how we define exceptional at ODOT. Thank you, Vanessa!


Tony Sutton, ODOT Information Systems

Tony Sutton has been the bridge between the APOST project, ODOT TAD, and DAS EIS. APOST, as an IT-related project, has required not only massive collaboration with our ODOT IT staff and system partners, but also with DAS Enterprise Information Systems. APOST could not have existed without Tony's masterful knowledge and experience navigating these channels.

From the beginning of this project, before it even kicked off, Tony kept us aware of TAD and DAS EIS requirements. He took on the responsibility of ensuring we successfully transitioned from soon to be decommissioned databases. He assisted us in navigating the approval to cloud-based system. Tony helped us deal with the many IT-related demands involved with this project.

We appreciate you, Tony, for being our knowledgeable partner and ensuring the technical side of APOST’s success. Your masterful involvement in this project made such a huge impact. It could not have been done without you, your wisdom, your creativity, and your connections. Thank you!


Public Knowledge, Quality Assurance

Public Knowledge (PK) has been the Quality Assurance (QA) partner with the APOST Project implementation. It goes without saying that this project would not have achieved its success without Jill Hooper, Holly Bingeman, and Camilla Johnston from PK covering our backs.

PK worked tirelessly, combing through all our plans, schedules, deliverables, working documents, etc. to ensure there wasn't anything that got lost in the cracks. They spent more hours than can be counted, interviewing staff and attending our APOST team meetings to gauge the temperature. They listened to what's being said and what wasn’t. They made it their goal to make sure the project didn't have any blind spots. Without PK's expertise, the project wouldn't have been successful.

Thank you, Jill, Holly, and Camilla!


APOST Sponsors

Without our Sponsors, the APOST project could not have been successful. In fact, it wouldn't have even become a project without their support.

The project team would like to thank David Kim (ODOT Transportation Infrastructure Development & Project Delivery Administrator) and Justin Moderie (ODOT State Construction & Materials Engineer) for their enthusiastic championing of APOST. They have helped us navigate many hurdles. In addition, they have been the megaphone, proclaiming the value of AASHTOWare Project to all those interested in and impacted by its implementation. Their vision has been inspirational for our project team over the last 4 years. Their leadership continues to drive ODOT's future in construction contract administration.

We also thank Joe Squire (former ODOT State Construction & Materials Engineer) for his initial work and passion for innovation. He was instrumental in getting AWP off the drawing board into the reality of our daily work.
Thank you, David, Justin and Joe!


Role Review

Here’s a preview of the roles we’ll use in AWP. Look them over and consider what responsibilities you and your team members will require.

Civil Rights & Labor

OCR – Data Admin
OCR – Workforce
OCR – Contract Review (Field Coordinator)


CM – Prime
CM – Subcontractor
CM – Contractor Lab QC Manager
CM – Prime Contractor Mat Test Reviewer
CM – Contractor Sample Tester
CM – Contractor Mix Design Entry


Other roles share internal ODOT roles

Construction & Materials

CM – Inspector
CM – Materials Administrator
CM – Lab Administrator
CM – Region QA
CM – Sample Tester
CM – Materials Lab Crew Leader
CM – QPL Administrator
CM – Receiving Technician
CM – Structure Services Lead
CM – Mix Design Review & Approve


Roles are not specific to a module. Your role allows you to move between modules if your job requires it. Every user working in AWP will have a role. Some may have several roles depending on their responsibilities. You’ll be assigned your role(s) by your crew leader. We’ll set you up in AWP. And, if your responsibilities change or grow, we’ll get you into the role that will give you the proper for access.


Recruiting Super Users

Snoopy, flying ace

Super users are confident, early adopters who are enthusiastic system users. If you thrive teaching others new techniques or software, this may be a great way to use those skills.

We’re recruiting more Super Users! If this feels like a perfect fit for you or someone you know, contact us at

Let's Get Started

AWP Initial Projects

Are you in one of the first projects selected to be managed in AWP from the list here? Once the contract has been awarded to the Contractor, training will be coordinated with the appropriate ODOT Resident Engineer’s office and/or Consultants’ office.

What if you’re not in the first 4? Even if you do not have a project in this list, there are things that you can still do to prepare yourself or your office staff. This is what’s needed before training.

We’re here to help! If you have any questions,
contact us at

Contractors (Primes and Subs) & Consultants

  • Each individual needs to create a Workday account.
  • Each individual MUST complete Getting Started training on Workday. (This is a prerequisite to all other required AWP training in Workday for your role!)
  • Company needs to complete OregonBuys registration.
  • Company needs to identify AWP users and their roles.
  • Company needs to confirm that their payroll system is ready to work with AWP (contractors only).
  • Access to the AWP production environment (live site) will be provided once users have completed training. There's no need to submit an access request if you haven't attended training. We'll do all of that for you once you've completed it.

Internal ODOT Crews – Watch for communications regarding training for your first AWP project!​ (Each individual needs to complete Getting Started training on Workday.)


Questions? Comments? Interested in becoming a team member?

Contact us and let us know.

Check out our website at

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