Solicitation Notice for Fiscal Year 2025-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund Discretionary and Statewide Transit Network Programs
Eligible applicants: The Public Transportation Division (PTD) invites you to apply for funding from the Statewide Transportation Improvement Fund (STIF) and Federal Transportation Administration Section 5311(f) Intercity (FTA 5311(f)) grant programs!
This solicitation notice applies to the STIF Discretionary (STIF-D) and Statewide Transit Network (STN) grant programs. The STN program includes both the STIF Intercommunity Discretionary (STIF Intercommunity) and FTA 5311(f) funds. This notice only includes solicitation information specific to the fiscal year 2025-2027 funding cycle including a key change in the application process: Letters of Interest are now required for ALL projects. General program guidance, such as program background, match requirements, and scoring criteria can be found in the STIF and STN Guidebook.
Grant Program Schedule
 Funding Availability
PTD will share estimates of funding availability as soon as they are available.
Eligible entities for STIF-D Fund, STIF Intercommunity Fund, and FTA 5311(f) grants are Public Transportation Service Providers as defined in OAR 732-040-0005(26). This includes:
- Mass transit districts
- Transportation districts
- Federally recognized tribes
- Cities, counties, special districts, intergovernmental entities, or any other political subdivision or municipal or public corporation that provides public transportation services
Nonprofit organizations and private for-profit organizations that provide public transportation services are eligible to apply for FTA 5311(f) funding. Nonprofit and for-profit organizations are not eligible STIF grant recipients.
Eligible projects include capital, operations, technology, planning and research activities, including bicycle and pedestrian projects that facilitate greater access to transit services as detailed in OAR 732-040-0030 and FTA Circular 9040.1G.
Letter of Interest Submission
For the fiscal year 2025-2027 fund cycle, applicants are required to submit a Letter of Interest (LOI) prior to submitting a formal application. Applicants seeking FTA 5311(f) funds must also submit an LOI.
Formal applications submitted under these programs will be rejected if they are not reasonably tied to a submitted LOI. PTD will have sole discretion in determining whether an application is substantially consistent with the project intent expressed in a submitted LOI.
Letters of Interest are due to PTD by July 29, 2024, at 11:59 PM. The online LOI form can be accessed here. To ensure that you provide the information we need, please carefully read all text provided on the form.
Early submission of LOIs is highly recommended.
Training Opportunity
PTD will provide a webinar on July 23, 2024, at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST to offer an overview of this solicitation and highlight key components of the application. A drop-in Q&A session will be held on July 24, 2024, at 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM PST.
Registration link for July 23, 2024 @ 11:00AM PST:
Drop-In Session for July 24, 2024 @ 11:00AM PST:
Application Submission
Applications for the 2025-2027 grant solicitation are due to PTD no later than September 5, 2024, at 11:59 PM.
The application form and instructions will be released via GovDelivery on July 11, 2024.
Please email your questions about this solicitation to Jillian Trinkaus and CC your Regional Transit Coordinator.