Feb. 12, 2024
Dear Safe Routes to School enthusiasts,
We are excited to announce ODOT’s Safe Routes to School grant program is now open and accepting applications through March 25!
The Competitive Construction Grants cycle will distribute approximately $26 million to cities, counties, tribes, transit districts and other road authorities. (Note: The Construction program has an application part 1 and part 2. Part 1 is open now through March 25, and part 2 opens May 6).
The Education Grants focuses on education and engagement to promote awareness and safe use of walking and biking routes, prioritizing underserved communities.
This year’s Construction Technical Assistance cycle includes expanded offerings. As in previous cycles, communities can apply for Planning Assistance (previously known as the Project Identification Program, or PIP). Those who have already gone through that process and completed SRTS Plans—or the equivalent—can now apply for additional technical assistance through the Engineering Assistance and/or Surface Treatments programs.
SRTS Webinar Recording: Here is an informational webinar offering details and tips for applications. View the recording, along with additional information and resources, on our website. Review Construction and Education FAQ and Office Hours here.
SRTS Watch Party: Join us virtually TOMORROW, February 13, 11 a.m. - noon, to kick off the grant cycle opening with a viewing of the recorded webinar linked above. This webinar will help you prepare for one or more of the grant opportunities!
A look back at 2023
Also, we invite you to help us celebrate - our Safe Routes to School annual program report for 2023 is complete! Check out the summary of all the things we accomplished together in just one year, such as rolling out Jump Start, our bicycle education train-the-trainer program; distributing our new Activity Kits; funding new construction projects and distributing a record number of incentives; and so much more.
On that positive note, we look forwarding to working with you in 2024! Xao and Heidi
Xao Posadas, Safe Routes to School Construction Program Manager, xao.posadas@odot.oregon.gov
Heidi Manlove, Safe Routes to School Education, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Program Manager, heidi.manlove@odot.oregon.gov