December 2023
What are AASHTOWare and OregonBuys to Local Agencies?
If you are a Local or Certified Local Agency, you may be wondering how The APOST Times newsletter and AASHTOWare Project apply to you. When a local project is receiving state or federal funds through ODOT on a construction project, ODOT has required reporting to provide back to the State of Oregon and Federal government. ODOT has two new systems that work together to gather the required data: OregonBuys and AASHTOWare Project (AWP).
We are excited to have this modernization for those working on transportation projects throughout the state.
What is OregonBuys?
OregonBuys is a new web-based eProcurement system that automates the State of Oregon’s procurement process. All vendors doing business with the State of Oregon or have a project with state and/or federal funds, will need to register in OregonBuys.
What is AASHTOWare?
OregonBuys provides contractor information to a system called AASHTOWare Project. AWP takes the contract data with other information gathered throughout the administration of a construction project and provides the required state and federal reporting for civil rights and construction projects in Oregon.
As we get closer to deployment of AWP, we will provide more information for your company.
What do I need to do?
To start the registration process please go to this link: OregonBuys and have your supplier ID. Click on Supplier Registration in the blue box on the top right of the page. For OregonBuys supplier registration steps, check out “How to Register for a Supplier Account.”
NOTE: Under the Terms and Conditions, please select the ODOT/Aviation check box to note you are on a construction project.

For more information or to ask questions please contact
This fall, as we moved closer to our planned date of deployment for AASHTOWare Construction & Materials and Civil Rrights & Labor, it became clear that we had a few items requiring resolution before we could successfully launch. For this reason, we are pushing the date of deployment out to Spring of 2024. We hope by doing this, we can make the introduction of AASHTOWare into our program a smooth and easy experience for all.
We want to recognize the project team for jumping in and reprioritizing their non-AASHTOWare work to complete these items and the ITI staff for dedicating more staff to ODOT. It takes so much time and effort to complete these complex requirements, development, configurations, and testing. Thank you for all your efforts! You are very appreciated!
 As we went through the Train the Trainer (TTT) classes, attendees kept discovering how AWP would make a positive impact on their work. Here’s some of what we heard:
- "I LOVE this!"
- "This is going to save me so much time!"
- "There's definitely a learning curve but once people get it, they're really going to love this."
- "There's a lot of repetition but if people stick with it, they're really going to like this."
- "I can't wait to tell my crew about this!“
We look forward to the enthusiasm being contagious from TTT to crews, consultants and contractors as we start training.
From John Oberdiek, ITI Project Manager: “I want to send a shout out to ODOT’s Vanessa Baker, AASHTOWare Lead System Administrator. I have worked with many agency PMs over the years, and Vanessa is absolutely the best, most productive PM I've worked with. Her ability to juggle all the moving parts of this huge implementation is one of the biggest keys to the success of this project to date. Additionally, her ability to do all of that juggling with a smile on her face and the patience of a saint is astounding. Thank you, Vanessa!”
Big shout out to our materials group: Eric Burns, Jason Cieslak, Andy Clark, David Dobson, Tim Earnest, Jim Gunter, Greg Guthrie, Austin Johnson, Rebecca Rodriguez, Hailey Shuey, and Mike Stennett for reviewing and completing 38 agency views in a week and a half! Thank you for your time and efforts!
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