Construction Training Program News - November

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November 2023

Construction Training Program Updates and More


Welcome to the Construction Training and Certification fall newsletter. In this issue, we will provide you with important information, updates and resources that will help you plan for needed training and certification.




Important Announcements

2023-2024 Construction Training and Certification Schedule

Workday Learning System

If you are external to ODOT, you will need to set up a Workday Learning account to view or enroll in our courses here. 

Don’t miss the fall Inspector Class Line-up

Erosion Sediment Control Manager | 11/7 Enroll
Environmental Construction Inspector | 11/8 Enroll
Drilled Shaft Inspector | 11/28 Enroll

Roller Coaster

Meet the Team!

Tiffany Applegate, Construction Training Program Coordinator on the front right.

Barbara Harriman, Construction Program and Certification Training Analyst on the front left.

Sue Herring, eConstruction Program Analyst in the back.

Tiffany coordinates training program logistics, course materials and administration, and is a Workday Learning System Specialist. She enjoys walks with her fur babies, hiking, going to the beach and traveling to her home island of Kauai. Her favorite hobby is training Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.                      

Barbara oversees the administration of the training program, manages the inspector and technician certifications and is a Workday Learning System Lead. Barbara is a singer and has performed in the Fifth Avenue Theatre, the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall and the Keller Auditorium. She also co-founded Apple Box Children’s Theater with her husband and was production manager for 10 years.

Sue oversees the Construction Training Program website and training materials. She is also involved with the eConstruction team with Doc Express and AASHTOWare Project. Sue was a graphic and production artist for 20 years. She enjoys learning new things, travelling to faraway places, going on cruises, reading fiction and crocheting anything from amigurumi to blankets.


Passing of the Torch

Lori Butler, Construction Program Analyst will be retiring officially at the end of November after 45 years of service to ODOT. Lori was instrumental in building the Certification Training Program and making it what it is today. Her contributions included providing insight to guide program development, collaborating with technical experts, preparing certification training materials, developing and maintaining the certified inspector database, and countless other tasks that she performed or supported. Lori spent many long days and evenings working with Gene Wilborn to create the elements necessary to kick off a successful program. Her team has communicated with confidence that the Inspection and Technician Quality Assurance Program would not be what it is today without Lori’s contributions. If there is “One ODOT”, there is only “One LORI” who gave so much to all her customers and co-workers over the years. We wish her much happiness as she enters this new chapter of her life.

Don't Miss the Opportunity!

The next Certification Challenge Event will take place at the Salem Materials Lab on Thursday, November 16 - Enroll.

The 2023 ADA Curb Ramp Training and Online Exam will be unavailable after December 1. The updated 2024 training materials will be uploaded into Workday in January. There are only a few more ADA Curb Ramp Inspector and Contractor Field Exams remaining in this season (11/15 and 12/13). Be sure to get your Training and Online Exam completed, so you may enroll yourself into the Field Exam.

The 2023 Certified Traffic Signal Inspector training and online exam will be offline for the month of January due to updates and maintenance. The 2024 online training and exam will be activated in February. If you have completed the 2023 online training, you must complete the online exam in 2023.


2023-2024 Training Opportunities 

In-person Courses | Now in Workday Learning

Pavement Forum (ODOT Only) | 11/16 Enroll
Asphalt Concrete Pavement Inspector | 1/9, 1/30 Enroll
Bridge Construction Inspector | 3/4, 4/8 Enroll
Drilled Shaft Inspector | 11/28, 3/12 Enroll
Environmental Construction Inspector | 11/8, 1/10, 3/6 Enroll
Erosion Sediment Control Manager | 11/7, 1/9, 3/5 Enroll
General Construction Inspector | 12/4, 1/22, 3/18 Enroll
General Construction Inspector RECERT | 4/2 Enroll
Inspector Workshop | 2/22 Enroll
Quality Control Compliance Specialist Workshop | 2/27 Enroll
Traffic Control Technician/Supervisor RECERT | 12/5, 1/17 Virtual Enroll (ODOT only)
Traffic Control Technician/Supervisor Full CERT | 1/9, 1/23 Virtual Enroll (ODOT only)
Traffic Signal Inspector (In-Person) | 2/27, 2/29 Enroll

Digital Courses | Now on Workday Learning

2023 ADA Curb Ramp Inspector and Contractor certification includes an online exam and in-person field exam to receive a 2-year certification. Below is the order of progression and Workday enrollment links for certification:     

          Step 1 – ADA Curb Ramp Inspector and Contractor Training (2023) online

          Step 2 – ADA Curb Ramp Inspector and Contractor Exam (2023) online

          Step 3 – ADA Curb Ramp Certified Field Exam (2023)

2023 Traffic Signal Inspector Certification is an online class with an electronic exam. Learners who complete both successfully receive a 3-year certification.      

          Step 1 – Certified Traffic Signal Inspector Training (2023) online

          Step 2 – Certified Traffic Signal Inspector Exam (2023) online

Challenge Exams

Monthly inspector certification challenge events will be offered at the ODOT Salem Materials Lab on the following dates: 11/16, 12/21. To register for a future challenge exam, please complete the ODOT Inspector Exam Registration Form. See the Inspector Certification web page for links to electronic study resource materials.




Transportation Curriculum Coordination (TC3) 


Plan Reading Series (1 hour) - New to Construction? Go through the first module prior to an inspector training course. You can familiarize yourself with the basics of plan reading.

Math Module - If it has been a while since your last math class, this is useful as background for all of the certification courses. 

The above training is free if you are an employee of a government agency. When enrolling please use PROMO CODE: D5X3-B3D9-52CB-4XCX and include your government email address to complete training without a fee.


Construction Materials Technician Training

Construction material technician training will be administered through our Industry Partners: Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon, American Concrete Institute of Oregon and Oregon Concrete and Aggregate Producers Association. For information, visit the APAO, ACI and OCAPA websites for current enrollment details.


Construction Project

For more information regarding the Inspector Certification Program and the Technician Certification Program, please see the Inspector Certification Program and the Technician Certification Program.