A project team member talks about tolls at a recent information tabling event.
In May, Governor Kotek directed ODOT to delay the collection of tolls until 2026 in response to concerns from legislators and Clackamas County residents. This delay means the agency needs to manage available funding more conservatively and reduce the scope of planned improvements to I-205, including indefinitely postponing the second phase of the I-205 construction.
This change also effects the I-205 Toll Project, which proposed a toll point at the Tualatin River Bridge and the Abernethy Bridge to help pay for the I-205 Improvements. To analyze the effects of these changes, ODOT and FHWA will prepare a Supplemental Environmental Assessment for the I-205 Toll Project. Learn more.
Making Community Connections Around the Region this Summer
Oregon Toll Program staff attended several community events in July, with plans to be at several more in August and September. We’ve met with hundreds of community members along the way. Read more about some of the top questions we’ve received so far this summer.
Come find our table at the following events or check out our events calendar for more detail:
 Part of the improvements involves closing OR 43 between Willamette Falls Drive and freeway ramps in both directions, along with northbound I-205 Exit 8 and the on-ramp from OR 43.
To support continued work on the I-205 Abernethy Bridge and its adjacent on- and off-ramps, several closures are happening in West Linn between now and the end of August. After this round of closures, we will be opening the new roundabout, which will serve as an improved interchange onto I-205. To learn more about the closures visit the project website.
 There’s been no shortage of construction activity this summer for the OR 217 Auxiliary Lanes Project. The focus is on building new foundations for the future auxiliary lanes and safety shoulders in several areas of the project. Thank you to travelers in this area for your patience with these impacts and resulting delays as we complete this work.
In the coming months, we anticipate nighttime full directional closures on OR 217 and more extended lane and ramp closures. The directional closures will allow crews to safely set steel support beams as part of the Hall Boulevard overpass widening for a new sidewalk and bicycle lanes.
Learn more about the project and read construction updates at www.hwy217.org.
 These eyyases (peregrine falcon chicks) are enjoying their new scrape.
When a major construction project on the Abernethy Bridge was still in the planning stages, peregrine falcons living on the bridge were considered during every phase. ODOT Biologist Ben White shares the story of collaboration with environmental nonprofits, consultants and the ODOT Maintenance and Construction crews to protect wildlife while building the first earthquake ready interstate bridge across the Willamette River. Learn more about the falcon chicks pictured above.
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