New advisory committee members needed for Safe Routes to School program

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Safe Routes to School advisory committee seeking up to four new members

August 9, 2022

For more information, Shelley M. Snow, Communications, 503-881-5362

SALEM - Are you passionate about the ability to walk and roll safely in Oregon - and helping our children do the same? The Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee has identified expertise and experience that is missing in the current committee and is looking to add 3-4 new members. Ideal candidates will enhance the committee by bringing a younger perspective (ages 16 – 24), experience as a person with a disability and/or with different cultural or ethnic approaches, and/or perspective as someone in the health field.

Timeline and process: The application will be open through September 15. Staff will follow up with applicants in September. A sub-committee of the Safe Routes to School Advisory committee will recommend 3-4 new members to ODOT’s director in October. New members will begin their term in January of 2023. 

Access the online application in English and in Spanish here.

Note: ODOT has an equitable engagement compensation policy that offers payment for time spent engaging with the agency and its programs for those who qualify. Learn more about the EECP.

Charge of the Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee (SRAC):  The SRAC recommends which grants to fund for ODOT’s Safe Routes to School Construction and Education programs. The SRAC is advisory to Oregon Department of Transportation, the Oregon Transportation Commission, and consultants with the Oregon Transportation Safety Committee. The SRAC’s charge is outlined in Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 737-025.

Requirements: A new SRAC member will be able to attend and fully participate in six 3-hour meetings annually (generally every other month) starting in January 2023. Meetings may be held online, in-person or as hybrid options. Accommodations to participate in meetings are available, such as material in alternate formats.

What you should know: The SRAC is a dynamic group of partners that engage in lively debates with open minds and respect. The committee works together to determine the priorities for the SRTS program, provide feedback to staff for program implementation, and make important recommendations for grant funding.

Learn more about the Safe Routes to School program on our website.
