Throughout the design phase, there will be many opportunities to share opinions and shape the design of the highway cover, local streets, walls and overpasses and other features.
The adoption of Hybrid 3 changed the planned local street design for the highway cover and seven local streets are now under consideration for improvements: N Williams Avenue, N Vancouver Avenue, N Flint Avenue, NE Victoria Avenue, N Broadway, N Weidler Street and N Hancock Street. Each one of these streets plays an important role in how people will travel through the Albina area.
As design progresses, we are looking to the community to share what is important and help us shape local street improvements such as:
- sidewalk design and street crossings for people walking, rolling and biking through the area
- the look and feel of the street environment and gathering spaces for people
- location of bus stops, amenities at bus stops and placement of traffic signals
- design and placement of bicycle paths
- location of parking, loading and drop-off locations
There is over a mile worth of walls, support columns and bridge decks added as part of Hybrid 3. These hard surfaces will be seen by people traveling on I-5 and by people walking, rolling, biking, driving and riding transit in the neighborhoods around the freeway. We want the community to help shape the look and feel of these structures. There is potential to be creative and represent the culture of Albina by adding textured patterns, murals and incorporating plants along sound walls, retaining walls, columns and overpasses.
Example of a textured overpass columns. Example of a landscaped wall.
Watch the October 19 presentation to hear the Historic Albina Advisory Board’s input on future opportunities to shape the design of the highway cover, local streets, walls and overpasses. The Board will continue discussing local streets improvements at future meetings. While we’ll be bringing these and other considerations to the public next year, there are a number of ways you can get involved and share your feedback on the project today.
ODOT contractor crews are out in the project area to collect critical data to inform project design and construction:
Soil sampling
Collecting soil samples in the project area
Mid-October - November 2021
Hazardous materials sampling
Collecting paint and other materials samples in the project area
Mid-October - November 2021
People traveling in the area will see drilling equipment and can expect typical construction impacts such as a slight increase in noise, vibration and dust. There are no anticipated lane closures or detours for people travelling through the area. Parking at some businesses may be temporarily restricted when work is occurring at a specific location.
About the Project
I-5 between I-84 and I-405 is the top traffic bottleneck in Oregon and the 28th worst bottleneck in the nation. It also has:
- some of the highest traffic volumes in the State of Oregon with 12 hours of traffic congestion each day
- a crash rate 3.5 times higher than the statewide average
- a lack of full shoulders in key areas for crashes to clear and emergency vehicles to access
- nearby local streets lacking neighborhood connections and with undersized or incomplete pedestrian and bicycle facilities
The I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project will add auxiliary lanes and shoulders that smooth traffic flow and improve operations to make local and regional travel more predictable and safer for people driving and transporting goods. It includes street improvements to enhance safety and access for people travelling within and through the area. The project will support the regional economy, future economic development and a more connected and equitable Albina community.
In response to Governor Kate Brown’s directive to “Stay Home, Save Lives,” all project public meetings are being held on a virtual platform. We are committed to maintaining accessibility and transparency for all public meetings. Look to the project website for opportunities to get involved. Visit the agency’s COVID-19 web page for more information.
For ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) or Civil Rights Title VI accommodations, translation services, interpretation services, or more information, call 503-731-4128 or Oregon Relay Service 7-1-1.
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Learn how we’re evolving to build a modern transportation system based on sufficient funding and equity.