Transportation Safety Newsletter, November 2020

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November 2020

Thanksgiving Holiday Travel

This Thanksgiving make sure drinking and driving isn't on the menu. Buzzed driving is drunk driving.

Thanksgiving is a time for counting blessings and being around loved ones. This Thanksgiving holiday, as you head out to celebrate, commit to sober driving and remember this important message: Buzzed Driving Is Drunk Driving. Sadly, this time of year can be a deadly one, as drunk drivers often take to the streets after an evening of merrymaking.

If you’re planning to head out to the bar or to parties during the Thanksgiving holiday, make sure you plan for a sober ride home. Don’t leave your house without a plan on how to get home safely — once you start drinking you likely won’t make good choices. Here are a few tips to help you prepare for a safe night out:

  • Remember that it is never okay to drink and drive. Even if you’ve had only one alcoholic beverage, designate a sober driver or plan to use public transportation or a ride service to get home safely.
  • If you spot a car that you think may have an impaired driver, call this toll-free number to report it: 1-800-24-DRUNK (1-800-243-7865).
  • Do you have a friend who is about to drink and drive? Take the keys away and make arrangements to get your friend home safely.


Buckle up

Everybody Buckle Up

Seat belts save lives every day. They can only save lives, however, if they are used, and there are still many people who do not buckle up. Wearing a seat belt can reduce the risk of a fatal injury by 45%. Wearing a seat belt can make the difference between life and death. Make sure everyone on board is protected in a crash – buckle up every time.

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Blind zone test: distance in front of vehicle

Frontover Crashes

Every year, thousands of children are hurt or killed because a driver moving forward very slowly didn’t see them, according to These incidents for the most part take place in driveways or parking lots and are referred to as ‘frontovers’ (the opposite of a backover). Small children are the most at risk. Get to know your vehicle’s blind zones where a child might hide from view.

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Oregonians Stand Out. Walk-Ride-Drive-Roll. Look out for each other!

Pedestrian Safety Toolkit

With shorter days and rainy weather, fall and winter can be challenging for pedestrians. Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 1 at 2:00 A.M. and mornings will be lighter; however, evenings will be darker. We can all take steps to keep roads safer for everyone, from being mindful of our surroundings and wearing bright clothes as pedestrians to watching our speed and minding crosswalks as drivers. You can also download toolkits in English and Spanish to help get the word out on pedestrian safety.

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Driver yawning behind the wheel

Drowsy Driving

Every year, drowsy drivers are responsible for thousands of crashes. So if you are yawning, veering out of your lane, or having trouble focusing, don’t try to power through. Pull over and rest or take a quick walk. Drive alert and stay safe.

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YouTube video PSA Time Together, Safe Routes to School

Time Together

We’ve gotten in the habit of doing a lot to keep our families safe and healthy. Getting outside to walk, bike, and roll together, while keeping physical distancing and safety in mind, is a good way to teach smart walking and riding habits that stay with you for life.

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Person riding e-scooter

New E-Scooter Study

A new study shows nearly 40 percent of injured people were first-time e-scooter riders, pointing to inexperience as a factor in crashes, reported the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

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