OTC Dives into Funding Scenarios and How to Prioritize Investments in the next STIP
The Oregon Transportation Commission is working through how to spend more than $2.2 billion in the 2024-2027 Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
The ODOT will develop funding scenarios to help the Commission decide how to invest money in the transportation system—whether to shift money from one area to put more money to bridge and pavement preservation, or safety improvements, or non-highway programs that improve mobility by other modes, or highway improvements to reduce congestion.
At its August 13 meeting, we briefed the Commission about STIP funding and programs, including the funding sources that go into the STIP and how they allocated limited resources in the last STIP to meet their goals. The Commission also provided us direction on their priorities for investment of STIP resources across the categories of funding. Video of the Commission’s August discussion on the STIP is available online.
The Commission has developed a new Strategic Action Plan that lays out three key priority areas—Equity, Modern Transportation System and Sufficient and Reliable Funding—and goals in each area. These priorities and goals will help them prioritize investments in the STIP.
At the September 17 Commission meeting we will bring back a number of scenarios that will help the Commission understand the tradeoffs between different investments. We will also present the advisory committee’s input and the public survey results in developing the STIP.
Provide Your Input The public and advisory committees are encouraged to provide input on how to invest money in the STIP by submitting letters and comments through the Commission’s website. The public can also provide input by taking a short survey about spending priorities; the survey closes on August 28.