Public Involvement Policy draft available!
You are invited to review and comment on the recently-released draft update to the Oregon Transportation Commission's Public Involvement Policy. The public comment period is open until September 17, 2020.
This policy outlines outreach for Oregon's statewide transportation plans and the State Transportation Improvement Plan. The public involvement process is different for transportation projects and is described elsewhere. Minor updates have been made to the policy in order to address changes in terminology and agency reporting structure. The Public Involvement Policy will undergo a larger overhaul following the upcoming reboot of the Oregon Transportation Plan.
The input and public comments received will inform potential revisions to the Policy. A final version will be complete for potential OTC adoption in October 2020. If you would like to send a comment, please visit our current projects page to view the policy and complete the comment form. Completed comment forms will be automatically sent to Policy Coordinator Deborah Benavidez.