Ocean Policy Notices and Events
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1. Territorial Sea Plan Part Four Amendment Finalized
December 16, 2024
On November 2, 2023, the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) adopted as part of the Oregon Coastal Management Program, and therein incorporated by reference, an amendment to the Territorial Sea Plan Part Four: Uses of the Sea Floor. The Territorial Sea Plan is an administrative rule (OAR 660-036-0001) stewarded by the LCDC in consultation with the Ocean Policy Advisory Council (OPAC). Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) staff were directed by House Bill 2603 (passed in the 2021 legislative session) to conduct a study of the process for siting of undersea cables in Oregon’s ocean waters and ocean shore and to work with OPAC to make recommendations for amendment of TSP Part Four by September, 2023. The amendment was finalized on December 16, 2024 through submission of the rulemaking documents and amended plan to the Secretary of State.
Go to the Territorial Sea Plan Page to view Part Four.
Contact: Andy.Lanier@dlcd.oregon.gov
3. Oregon Ocean Science Trust Meeting Notice,
January 8, 2025 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
The next quarterly meeting of the Trust is scheduled to take place as a virtual meeting on January 8, 2025, 2024 from Noon - 3:00pm
Meetings are open for the public to attend. To provide public comment during a meeting, please email OceanScienceTrust@dsl.oregon.gov by 10 a.m. the day before the meeting.
Meeting Link: Click here to join the GoToMeeting
Join by phone: 571-317-3112
Phone Access Code: 438-756-733
Agenda and other meeting materials will be posted to the website as they become available.
Oregon Ocean Science Trust website
Contact: OceanScienceTrust@dsl.oregon.gov
4. Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap Roundtable Meeting #4, Save the Date - January 9, 2025
The Department of Land Conservation and Development will be hosting the fourth meeting of the Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap Roundtable on January 9, 2025. This meeting will be open to the public, with opportunity for comment. Save the date on your calendars if you want to attend. Details for the meeting are forthcoming.
Contact: Jeff.D.Burright@dlcd.oregon.gov
5. OAH Meeting Notice, January 23, 2025
The next OAH Council meeting will be on Thursday, January 23rd. The morning session from 8:30 - 10 AM will be the hybrid council meeting. Then (for those that are available) there will be an in-person meeting to work on the OAH Action Plan from 10:30 - 5 PM. The meeting location for the in-person portion is still being determined.
Contact: Katlyn.M.Lockhart@odfw.oregon.gov