Applications Open for Participation on Advisory Group for Oregon's Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap

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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 23, 2024


CONTACT:  Sadie Carney, 503-383-6648,

                    Jeff Burright, 503-991-8479,

Applications Open for Participation on Roundtable for Oregon's Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap

SALEM - In response to Oregon's House Bill 4080, relating to offshore wind energy development, DLCD is seeking community members and other experts who are interested in or knowledgeable about offshore wind energy development to inform development of a state Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap.

“The development of these recommendations comes at a critical time for Oregon," said Offshore Wind Roadmap Coordinator Jeff Burright. "The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management is preparing to auction areas off the South Coast of Oregon for wind energy leasing, and the first project applications could come a handful of years after that. We have an opportunity right now to work together and create a state roadmap for offshore wind that charts our best path forward and provides Oregon a stronger position at the federal decision-making table."

According to House Bill 4080, the standards defined in the Offshore Wind Roadmap must support:

  • Effective community engagement
  • Local and regional coastal communities
  • The creation of economic opportunities and sustainment of existing local and regional economies
  • The creation of an offshore wind energy workforce that is local, trained, housed and equitable
  • Protection of tribal cultural and archaeological resources, culturally significant viewsheds and other interests of Indian tribes
  • Protection of the environment and marine species
  • Achievement of state energy and climate policy objectives, including energy resource diversity, reliability and resilience of state and regional energy systems.

DLCD will appoint members of the Roundtable for the Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap (Roadmap Roundtable) to advise on development of the Roadmap content and engagement process. DLCD will be seeking information, perspectives, and suggestions related to the topic areas identified in HB 4080. The Roadmap Roundtable also may provide guidance on strategic planning steps the state should consider including in the Roadmap to direct future research, investment, engagement, partnerships, or other activities related to the potential development of an offshore wind presence in Oregon.

DLCD hopes to engage and learn from a diverse group representing the Oregon Coast and Oregonians as a whole in our process. DLCD is committed to consulting with Oregon tribes. DLCD is also seeking the guidance of and centering the needs of historically marginalized communities in the development of the Offshore Wind Roadmap.

The Roadmap Roundtable is expected to convene in all-day meetings held once a month (in-person, virtual, or hybrid). Virtual working group meetings will be held as needed.

The overall community engagement process will begin in October 2024 and conclude in June 2025.

Roadmap Roundtable Application Form

The overall community engagement process will provide recommendations to DLCD as we meet our obligations under HB 4080:

  • DLCD is required to submit a report to the interim committees of the Legislative Assembly related to marine renewable energy and coastal resources no later than September 1, 2025.
  • The report must include an assessment of the state enforceable policies that may be used in the federal consistency review of offshore wind energy leasing decisions and any other actions related to offshore wind energy development off of the Oregon coast.
  • The assessment must focus on the adequacy of existing enforceable policies and agency capacity to address reasonably foreseeable effects to state coastal uses and resources that would result from offshore wind energy development.

DLCD Director, Brenda Bateman, noted, "We plan to lead a robust process and want many community members to be engaged and to participate in the Oregon Offshore Wind Energy Roadmap process. Participants will help the state develop guidelines and sideboards to evaluate and ultimately determine if and how offshore wind becomes a viable option along the Oregon coast.”

Apply Now

Applications are due by noon on Monday, October 14, 2024.


DLCD will hold Roadmap Roundtable information session for people who are interested from noon to 1 p.m. on Friday, October 4, 2024. Attendance is not required for consideration on the Roundtable. The link for the information session and the application form can be found on the DLCD website:


About The Oregon Coastal Management Program

Oregon is one of 34 states to have a nationally recognized Coastal Management Program established by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, and residing at the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). The Oregon Coastal Management Program aims to protect coastal and ocean resources, and ensure livable, resilient communities on the Oregon coast. DLCD is the lead agency in the coastal program network, which also includes 11 state agencies and 42 city and county governments. Financial assistance for the Oregon Coastal Management Program is provided by the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, administered by the Office for Coastal Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Oregon’s statewide land use planning program — originated in 1973 under Senate Bill 100 — protects farm and forest lands, conserves natural resources, promotes livable communities, facilitates orderly and efficient development, helps coordination among local governments, and enables community engagement.  

The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) administers the program in partnership with local jurisdictions. A seven-member volunteer board known as the Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) guides DLCD.  

The land use planning program affords Oregonians predictability in the development process and the ability to plan and invest in the long-range by allocating land for industrial, commercial, and housing development, as well as transportation and farm and forest lands.  

Under the program, all cities and counties have adopted comprehensive plans that meet mandatory state standards. The standards are based on the 19 Statewide Planning Goals that deal with land use, development, housing, transportation, and conservation of natural resources. Technical assistance in the form of expertise and grants for local jurisdictions are key elements of the program.