Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
This message provides the notice of the Department of Land Conservation and Development rulemaking that you have requested.
Caption: Update to attachments for HPS and HNA Requirements
Summary: The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) is considering the adoption of amendments to the attachments in Oregon Administrative Rules that prescribe standards guiding the Housing Production Strategy process as provided in House Bill 2003. The proposed amendments would update the attachments in administrative rules located within an already-established division in OAR Chapter 660, division 008 – Interpretation of Goal 10 Housing. The proposed amendment would not alter the requirements of the Housing Production Strategy Program or materially change how local governments comply with the program requirements under House Bill 2003. The proposed amendments are only to update the Housing Needs Analysis schedule to reflect recent local government adoptions of these planning documents, to incorporate new information on housing production strategy best practices, and to integrate the findings of DLCD’s Anti-Displacement and Gentrification Toolkit into the list of possible housing production strategies available for local government consideration. The department expects that updates to the Housing Needs Analysis Schedule and Housing Production Strategy attachments will be an annual rulemaking task of LCDC. This will ensure that local governments participate in the program using the most up to date information to guide local decision-making processes. The Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) is soliciting public comment regarding the proposed new rules. The proposed new rules guide local government with populations over 10,000 on housing production strategy reports. A draft of the proposed rules and fiscal statements is available, on DLCD’s website.
Website: The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Hearing, Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact, Housing Impact Statement and Proposed Rules are available at:
How to Comment: You may comment on the proposed rules by sending written comments by February 3, 2022] to:
Rules Coordinator, Department of Land Conservation & Development 635 Capitol St., Ste. 150 Salem, Oregon 97301 or via email:
Rulemaking Hearing: You may also provide oral or written comments at the rulemaking hearing, which will take place:
Date: February 3, 2022 Time: 8:30am Place: Virtually (for more information see the department's website)
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