Dec. 6, 2024
From: Keith Ozols, Director, Vocational Rehabilitation
To: VR community
Subject: VR services and the Governor’s Recommended Budget
On Dec. 3, Governor Tina Kotek released the Governor’s Recommended Budget (GRB). This is her budget proposal for the 2025-27 biennium. It includes recommendations for the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS), which includes the Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) program.
The Governor’s proposed budget for VR is $160.5 million in total funds, which includes $44.9 million from the state's General Fund. This includes four added positions to provide contract oversight, ensuring Oregon meets federal requirements and continues to receive federal revenue for VR programs.
The budget did not include our requested investment in the Work Incentives Network (WIN), which would have funded four new contracted benefits counseling positions and increased contract funding to increase salaries for all benefits counselors. Without that funding, WIN will continue to provide the same level of services.
What are the next steps in the budget process?
In January, the Oregon Legislature meets for the “Long Session.” The Legislature will debate the Governor’s Recommended Budget. In June, the Legislature will pass the state’s budget for the next two years.
With regards to VR, the budgeting process will include conversations about VR and its services.
Stay updated on the budget process
During the Legislative Session, we will host regular community meetings over the lunch hour on Zoom. We will send an email in January with the meeting links and more details.
If you have unanswered questions, please send them to
As we move forward, our top priority remains working together to support people with disabilities with their employment goals.