ONE Customer Service Center migrates to new platform this weekend
The Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) ONE Customer Service Center will start to transition to the new OpenScape Contact Center. Virtual Eligibility Center (VEC) staff will be using and adjusting to the new phone software starting August 21.
To prepare for this, a temporary change to the general eligibility phone queue has been implemented. From August 14 until close of business Aug. 25, 2023, people calling the ONE Customer Service Center may receive a message to call back at another time without the option to wait on hold.
Staff should expect higher wait times for all phone queues as we transition to the new software. Local offices may have an increase in visits and phone calls during this time from people who are unable to connect to the general eligibility line. Staff should continue to offer all alternative service options found on page 3 of the Customer Service Desk Guide to help people receive service.
PH Tech will continue to answer general questions and will also provide callers with all the alternative service options to help reduce call traffic and help assist people during this temporary system change.
The Applicant Portal Tech Team and other phone lines within the ONE Customer Service Center may experience higher wait times during this change.
All Store Front Office (SFO) staff, Aging and People with Disabilities (APD), Self-Sufficiency Program (SSP), and Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) staff who make outbound calls using the contact center system will migrate to the new platform in a future phase.
ONE Customer Service Center phone tree will change August 21
The new order of the main menu is available in the phone tree diagram and will be activated on Aug. 21, 2023.
If you have questions about the project, please connect with your manager or change leader. To review previously asked questions and answers, review the ONE Contact Center Project Questions Dashboard. Updates will continue as we have information.